The Cold War and reconstruction after WW2

By milig03
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
  • The United States drops its first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan

    The United States drops its first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan
  • A second atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki, Japan

    A second atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki, Japan
  • Japan surrenders, ending World War II

    Japan surrenders, ending World War II
  • Greece descends into civil war after the British restore a royalist government

    Greece descends into civil war after the British restore a royalist government
  • Churchill declares that Europe is divided by an "iron curtain" separating the Communist camp from the Western camp

    Churchill declares that Europe is divided by an "iron curtain" separating the Communist camp from the Western camp
  • The Marshall Plan is put forward to help rebuild Europe and contain the spread of communism

    The Marshall Plan is put forward to help rebuild Europe and contain the spread of communism
  • The Soviets support a coup d'état in Czechoslovakia, bringing the country fully into the Eastern bloc

    The Soviets support a coup d'état in Czechoslovakia, bringing the country fully into the Eastern bloc
  • Period: to

    The Soviets impose a blockade on West Berlin, which is countered by a Western airlift

  • NATO is formed as a military alliance between Western countries

    NATO is formed as a military alliance between Western countries
  • The USSR successfully tests its first atomic bomb

    The USSR successfully tests its first atomic bomb
  • Period: to

    The Korean War takes place, ending in ceasefire and the continued division of Korea

  • A ceasefire is signed in Korea, and demilitarized zone becomes the new border between the two Korea

    A ceasefire is signed in Korea, and demilitarized zone becomes the new border between the two Korea
  • The Suez Canal is nationlized by Egypt, leading to a military intervention by the UK, France and Israel, which is ultimately called off due to pressure from the US and USSR

    The Suez Canal is nationlized by Egypt, leading to a military intervention by the UK, France and Israel, which is ultimately called off due to pressure from the US and USSR
  • The USSR launches the first satellite into space

    The USSR launches the first satellite into space
  • China begins bombing islands controlled by Taiwan, leading to US intervention

    China begins bombing islands controlled by Taiwan, leading to US intervention
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis brings the US and USSR to the brink of nuclear war, but is ultimately resolved through negotiations

    The Cuban Missile Crisis brings the US and USSR to the brink of nuclear war, but is ultimately resolved through negotiations
  • Period: to

    The US massively bombs North Vietnam and deploys troops, escalating its involvement in the Vietnam War

  • The US formalizes its disengagement from Vietnam

    The US formalizes its disengagement from Vietnam
  • A military coup in Chile overthrows the socialist government of Salvador Allende

    A military coup in Chile overthrows the socialist government of Salvador Allende
  • North Vietnamese forces invade South Vietnam, leading to the reunification of the country under communist rule

    North Vietnamese forces invade South Vietnam, leading to the reunification of the country under communist rule
  • Gorbachev comes to power in the USSR and pursues a policy of international appeasement

    Gorbachev comes to power in the USSR and pursues a policy of international appeasement
  • The Berlin Wall is torn down

    The Berlin Wall is torn down
  • The USSR is dissolved

    The USSR is dissolved