The Cold War

  • Truman, Stalin, and the British divide up Europe

    after WWII ends in Europe
  • Period: to

    Cold War

    The main events that took place during The Cold War
  • The Truman Doctrine was Announced

  • The Soviet Union looks into their first atomic bomb

  • first offical meeting between President Eisenhower and Premier Nikita Khrushchev

  • Red Army crushes the Hungarian Revolution

  • The Soviet's launch the first man made satellite into space

  • Fidel Castro becomes the Premier of Cuba, installs a Communist government

  • The Sino- Soviet Conflict starts

  • The Soviet Red Army crushes the Czech uprising

  • The Soviet and Cuban forces come together and help install a Communist government in Angola

  • The Soviet's Red Army invades Afganistan

  • Gorbachev becomes leader of the Soviet Union, also declared glasnost and perestrokia

  • Berlin's Wall has fallen

  • President Bush and Gorbachev agreed to the reunification of Germany

  • The Soviet Union is over, Yeltsin becomes President of Russia