Us ussr

The Cold War

By Davd jj
  • The Russian Revolution 1917

    The Russian Revolution 1917
    The Russian revolution was the first successful communist revolution. It marked the beginning of the divide between the democracies and the tensions that will follow. laying the groundwork for the cold war.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    The meeting between the current world powers. The U.S, Britain, and the Soviet Union. The conference discussed what to do with Germany, post-war boundaries, the war with Japan, and securing a lasting peace. however, tensions between the U.S and the Soviet Union are realized
  • The use of the atomic bomb

    The use of the atomic bomb
    The use of the atomic bomb by the U.S against Japan. marked a change in warfare a nuclear age where armies can be demolished with a single bomb. Along with a devastating new weapon, it strained U.S and Soviet tensions even further.
  • The Hollywood 10

    The Hollywood 10
    An investigation of Hollywood actors and film producers. by the house of un-American activates. 10 were convicted and faced life changing punishments.
  • Iron Curtain

    Iron Curtain
    A term coined by British prime minister Winston Churchill. A political and ideological wall or barrier. Between Soviet-controlled and communist countries and Democratic countries. This made the world tense in fear of war.
  • Truman doctrine

    Truman doctrine
    a policy made by the U.S to provide economic and military aid to any country threated by communism. presented by Harry.S Truman.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    a plan to aid western European nations threated by poverty and communism by giving 13 billion to these nations.
  • Molotov Plan

    Molotov Plan
    A plan used by the Soviets to help rebuild nations under there control or aligned with them.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    A military blockade by the soviet union cutting off Allie controlled West Germany from all supplies and power. this was done as a response of the reunification of West Germany and introduction of a new currency.
  • NATO (Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization)

    NATO (Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization)
    The successor of the Atlantic Charter signed by the U.S and Britain in world war 2. it is a military alliance guarantying aid in any military conflict among the nations in it. created as a force against the Soviets.
  • Berlin airlift

    Berlin airlift
    The U.S response to the Berlin blockade. The U.s begins to airdrop supplies into Berlin. at its peak, a plane is dropping supplies every 3 minutes.
  • Soviet bomb test

    Soviet bomb test
    The Soviets test there first nuke. they test it way before America expected it.
  • Alger Hiss case

    Alger Hiss case
    an investigation of Alger Hiss an agent in the state department who was charged with giving up U.S secrets.
  • Korean war

    Korean war
    An invasion of democratic South Korea by communist North Korea. NATO forces intervened pushing back the communist way past the 37 parallel borderlines. right as NATO forces were about to fully take Korea, China invades and push NATO forces all the way back to the 37th parallel.
  • Rosenberg trial

    Rosenberg trial
    A husband and Wife accused of giving up U.S bomb secrets to the Soviets. They were executed by the electric chair. without a just trial however they were proven later to be guilty.
  • Army-McCarthy hearing

    Army-McCarthy hearing
    A trial the exposed Joseph McCarthy a senator that has been claiming certain people in the government are communists. he was exposed as a phony after accusing army and military personnel. This trial leads to the end of McCarthyism.
  • Battle of Dien Bien Phu

    Battle of Dien Bien Phu
    A battle between French and Viet Minh troops. The Viet Minh were victorious ending the war and removing the French from Vietnam.
  • Geneva Conference

    Geneva Conference
    A conference between many nations about the issues surrounding Korea and Vietnam and the conflicts there.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    A unififed military pact made up of the soviet union, the soviets puppets and allies. it was made in respoce to the NATO alliance.
  • Hungarian Revolution

    Hungarian Revolution
    A revolution following a speech by the leader of the Soviets then Nikita Khrushchev after he spoke out against Stalin's rule. the new idea of freedom resulted in a revolution of Hungary. the revolution was a success but western powers would not offer aid and risk conflict. soon after the Soviets invaded and recaptured Hungary,
  • U2 incident

    U2 incident
    A U2 spy plane flown by the U.S was shot down by the Soviets. eventually, the pilot was returned to the U.S after a trade of spies. the pilot Francis powers were traded for Soviet spy Rudolf Abel
  • Bay of pigs invasion

    Bay of pigs invasion
    An attempt of an invasion of the Cuban mainland by Cuban American refugees that were trained and armed by the American government. the attack failed as naval and air support was not given.
  • the Berlin wall

    the Berlin wall
    A wall erected by the soviet union. separating eastern and western Berlin. the purpose of the wall was primarily to keep eastern or soviet occupied Germans in.
  • The Cuban Missle crises

    The Cuban Missle crises
    a conflict between the Soviets and united states. after the Cubans turned communist the Soviets began placing missiles on the Cuban mainland. The U.S did not like this and blockaded and surrounded the island and stopped and boarded a Soviet ship. all of which is a declaration of war. The conflict heightened as each side threated to nuke the other. eventually, the Soviets backed down and disarmed Cuba.
  • Assassination of Diem

    Assassination of Diem
    The Assassination of the leader of southern Vietnam. the Assassination was supported by the U.S. Diem and his brother was killed.
  • Assination of John F. Kennedy

    Assination of John F. Kennedy
    President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed by a rifleman while touring Dallas, Texas.
  • Tonkin Gulf Resolution

    Tonkin Gulf Resolution
    A piece of legislation passed by Congress to give president Johnsson full power to do whatever necessary to end the conflict in Vietnam.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

      Operation Rolling Thunder
    An aerial campaign against the North Vietnamese. a series of sustained aerial bombardments.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    A massive offensive from the North Vietnamese. It was a simultaneous attack on multiple towns and hamlets during a cease-fire.
  • Assassination of MLK

    Assassination of MLK
    Dr. Martin Luther King is assassinated at the Lorraine hotel in Memphis Tennessee
  • Assassination of RFK

    Assassination of RFK
    the assassination of Robert Kennedy right after winning the California presidential primary.
  • Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    Invasion of Czechoslovakia
    An invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Warsaw pact as it tried to reform its self. it greatly disrupted the union of the Soviet sphere
  • Riots of Democratic convention

    Riots of Democratic convention
    An anti war protest and demostration quickly got out of hand becoming a full scale riot disrupting the convetion
  • Election of Nixon

    Election of Nixon
    president Nixion enters the office and vows to end Vietnam.
  • Kent State

    Kent State
    Members of Ohio state guard responding to an aggressive and large anti-war protest. The state guard shot into the crowd after rocks were thrown. 4 students died 9 injured.
  • Nixon visits China

    Nixon visits China
    president Richard Nixon visits China and opens up trade and diplomatic communications between the two nations.
  • Ceasefire in Vietnam

    Ceasefire in Vietnam
    The USA ordered a cease-fire of aerial bombings
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    Soon after the U.S and North Vietnam signed a peace treaty the north invaded the south and the evacuation of the U.S embassy and U.s officials were rushed as the Northern communist overtook the city.
  • Reagan elected

    Reagan elected
    The election of the 49th president Ronald Reagan
  • SDI announced

    SDI announced
    SDI is the strategic defense initiative. A missile defense program created by President Reagan. it is based around the idea of space lasers.
  • Geneva Conference with Gorbachev

    Geneva Conference with Gorbachev
    The end of the cold war is announced and is signed. a nuclear weapon reduction is signed. along with reform to the Russian political system.
  • ‘Tear down this wall’ speech

    ‘Tear down this wall’ speech
    President Reagan gives a speech in front of the Berlin wall calling upon Gorbachev to tear it down and free Berlin. the speech was heavily unadvised but it still happened and became monumental.
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    Fall of Berlin Wall
    The Berlin wall falls and reunites families and Berlin. chaos ensues to try to get through the wall though. this is a landmark event signifying the collapse of the soviets puppet states becoming free.