The Cold War

  • Illustration 2

    Illustration 2
    It's called the Soviet Russian flag as it came from Soviet Russia. This was the flag used during the Cold War. The little symbol on the top right symbolizes communism, since they were a communistic country.
  • The Yalta Conference

    The Yalta Conference
    The beginning of the split between the US and USSR which lead to the Cold War, despite being there to make plans to keep world peace.
  • Period: to

    The Cold War

    The Entirety of the Cold War (that was assigned) Basically a conflict between the US and USSR that lasted from WWII to 1990.
  • Biography of Harry Truman

    Biography of Harry Truman
    Harry Truman was the 33rd president of the United States who came to the position after Roosevelt had died from disease. Truman was the one who decided to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and he also was the first president to have to enter the Cold War with Stalin and the USSR. He was also the first one to come up with plans for the cold war on the US side. He made the Truman doctrine and started the idea of containment.
  • Truman Doctrine

    The invention of the Truman Doctrine, made out of fear of Communism spreading to the rest of the world.
  • NATO Formation

    Formation of NATO which united 10 countries which would attack any country that tried to attack any other country within NATO. This basically pissed off the Russians so they decided to retaliate with their own plan.
  • The Splitting of Berlin

    The Splitting of Berlin
    The split between Eastern and Western Berlin due to the different ideas of government.
  • The Creation of Communist China and Taiwan

    The Creation of Communist China and Taiwan
    Mao Zedong won the war between the Communists and the Nationalists, and as such created a communist country, as well as the nationalists being kicked out of China and onto Taiwan.
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    Basically what happened about how North and South Korea came to split and why they are where they are today. US supported the South while Russia helped a bit, then US got too close and China retaliated. Then they ended up where they started.
  • Biography of Nikita Khruschev

    Biography of Nikita Khruschev
    Nikita Khruschev was a stern man with a weird looking face in many pictures and this one looked the most professional. He was the one who had ordered the Shooting of the plane involved in the U-2 incident, which had heightened the Cold War conflict. Nikita also had the opportunity to meet with several president during his control of Soviet Russia. He was the one who was in the dispute of the Cuban Missile Crisis. He also met with JFK to talk about the way Germany would be split.
  • The Warsaw Pact

    What the USSR did to counter-act the US and their ambitions to make Russia stop and fear them.
  • Illustration 3

    Illustration 3
    Sputnik was the first satellite launched by man into space, and it was from the russians. It was made to compete with the americans in the space race between the two countries.
  • Cold War Tech and how it impacted the Cold War

    Cold War Tech and how it impacted the Cold War
    The invention of the Laser revolutionized the way the Cold War was thought of. Both parties now had a means to show off spectacular light shows and show their superiority over the color spectrum since they are both hard-headed. Anyway onto a more serious note, Lasers were used by America to show their superiority in space by building the SDI. Lasers going PEW PEW and destroying atomic weapons basically rendering all attacks useless. Pretty good idea, except sounded stupid.
  • U-2 Incident

    U-2 Incident
    The Russians took out an american spy plane, in which the pilot denied being a spy and was later exposed.
  • Cuban takeover by Fidel Castro

    Cuban takeover by Fidel Castro
    He took over Cuba and took out the appointed dictator by the US and then US tightened grip on Cuba, so Castro asked USSR for help. US tried to invade Cuba, but they were humiliatingly defeated.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Nikita Kruschev secretly made missile bases in Cuba and the US didn't like that so they told them to stop and blocked them from building more, so the Soviets stopped and in exchange told the US to not invade Cuba. Both parties agreed and that was the end of that.
  • Biography of Leonid Brezhnev

    Biography of Leonid Brezhnev
    Leonid Brezhnev was the man who took power after Khruzchev, and was alsot he one who continued the Cold War mentality. He was involved in the idea of détente. His version of it was only a small deviation from it. Generally he had worked to keep relations between the US under control and to lessen the tensions a bit. He funded the communist guerrillas that were commonly the enemies of US troops in Vietnam and other 3rd world countries. He also signed the SALT I treaty to maintain peace.
  • The idea of Détente

    The idea of détente was to lessen the turmoil and hatred of the two countries with each other under Richard M. Nixon. Was made in order to lessen Cold War tensions and try to resort to a sort of peace.
  • Chart 1

    Chart 1
    This picture shows the amount of nuclear warheads between the two countries. Blue represents US, and Red represents Russia
  • Brezhnev Doctrine

    The idea made by Leonid Brezhnev that the Soviet Union had the right to prevent its satellites from rejecting communism. This was used in the Revolt of Czechoslovakia,
  • SALT I Treaty

    A treaty between the US for five years in order to keep only a certain amount of ballistic and sub-launched missiles each country can have. In 1975, 33 more countries joined them in the Helsinki Accords
  • Vietnam War

    US wanted to stop the spread of Communism AT ANY COST, which was they believed and what eventually made them lose do to them not understanding the situation in Vietnam. The communists won even with US aid.
  • Map 1

    Map 1
    A map of Communist Countries in 1975
  • Map 2

    Map 2
    Another map except this time of countries allied with USSR from the eastern bloc.
  • Chart 2

    Chart 2
    This chart shows how many nuclear tests were conducted in several countries worldwide during the cold war and beyond. Baby blue represents US and Red represents Soviet Russia.
  • Propaganda 1 Side 1

    Propaganda 1 Side 1
    US propaganda
  • Propaganda 2 side 2

    Propaganda 2 side 2
    Soviet Russian Propaganda
  • Soviet Invasion in 1979 of Afghan

    Russia invaded the land hoping to promote and increase communism popularity, but instead found themselves stuck, and without help, and were outmaneuvered and lost to the local rebel forces.
  • Illustration 1

    Illustration 1
    This photo is a political cartoon signifying the world split between the 2 countries. The Bear representing the russian leadership, and Uncle Sam representing US leadership. US is holding the money up since it had a bolstering economy. the flags are behind them.
  • Cult of Personality by Living Colour in 1988

    The idea of a "Cult of personality" is basically a way for a leader to gain popularity in the masses through media and propaganda. The song is a display and reference to many different dictators and leaders of the world, including those involved in the cold war, and about how they all use similar methods to gain control and popularity with the people. The link is here: (
  • Video 1

    The first video (
    The date is of when the video was published
  • Video 2

    The second Video (
    The date of was when the video was published. All rights reserved to whoever made it and whatever music they used.