The Cold War

By Yalta8
  • The Yalta Conference

  • Stalin's Hostile Speech

  • Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain" Speech

  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Dies Due to a Stroke

  • VE-Day

    The official end of World War Two
  • Period: to


    Japan Surrenders signalling the official end of World War Two.
  • Period: to

    The Berlin Blockade

  • Period: to

    The Korean War

  • Period: to

    The Vietnam War

  • Period: to

    The Space Race

  • Period: to

    The Cuban Missile Crisis

  • Period: to

    The relationship with the Soviet Union improves.

    Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan become the presidents of the United States and the Soviet Union.
  • The Soviet Union Dissolves

    The End of the Cold War.