War Starts
The Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese government began fighting on this day. -
Vietcong Established in South Vietnam
After five years of fighting the Vietcong was established in South Vietnam. -
More Help Ordered
In late 1961 President Kennedy ordered more support to be given in the war, this included troops and equipment from the US -
Opperation Chopper
Opperation Chopper was the first US combat mission against the Vietcong. -
Operation Ranchhand Begins
In the early part of 1962 (date uncertain) operation ranchhand, which was clearing vegetation along highways in order to prevent ambushes from the vietcong, began. -
Air Support
Sometime during this month (date unclear) American air support was reinforced. -
Attack Plan
On this day a US spy ship distracted North Vietnamese boats so theat South Vietnamese commandos could attack a North Vietnamese island. -
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
This resolution was passed by congress so that President Johnson could take neccessary actions to defend Southeast Asia -
US Troops arive
This is the date that the first US troops arrived in Vietnam -
Troop Withdrawls
During this month (dates unknown) the first order for troops to be withdrawn from Vietnam was given. -
US Troops to Attack Cambodia
On this date President Nixon announced that US troops would be attacking the enemy in Cambodia. This fueled many protests. -
US Troop Withdrawl
On this day the last of the US troops were taken out of Vietnam -
Last Troop Withdrawl
On this day the last US troops were withdrawn form Vietnam. -
During this month (date unknown) North Vietnam launched an incredibly large assult on South Vietnam. -
End of War
On this day the war ended becuase South Vietnam surrendered to the communists.