The Cold War 1945-1991

  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    A meeting between Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill about what to do after WWII.
  • V E Day

    V E Day
    The day when the Germans surrender to the Russians marking the end of WWII in Europe.
  • V J Day

    V J Day
    This day marked the end of the war in the Pacific. When Japan was bombed twice by two nuclear bombs. This officially ended WWII entirely.
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine
    Truman promised to help countries that having trouble facing communist takeover. This later come into play during the Vietnam War.
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    This was an economic program for aiding Europe. They would spend at least 3 million dollars just for aiding Europe. Also, They did this to get Europe on the democratic side and not the communism side.
  • The Space Race- Soviet Union launches Sputnik

    The Space Race- Soviet Union launches Sputnik
    The Soviet launched their first satellite called Sputnik. This made the U.S worried about what they could do. So the U.S. later launched their first satellite into space, called Explorer 1.
  • The U-2 Incident

    The U-2 Incident
    This was not a good moment between Soviet Union and U.S.A.. The Soviet Union had shot down a spy plane, and had captured the pilot. They later did an exchange for the U.S. spy with a Russian spy agent.
  • The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall
    This was a concrete wall with barbed wire on the top, it was made to separate eat and west Germany from each other. One side was controlled by Russian (U.S.S.R.), while the other side was controlled by the U.S.A.