Cold war pic

The Cold War 1945-1991

  • Yalta Confrence

    Yalta Confrence
    February 4-11: Yalta Conference meeting of FDR, Churchill, Stalin - the 'Big Three'
    Soviet Union has control of Eastern Europe. The Cold War Begins: America and Russia tension over differences begins.
  • First Atomic bomb made by U.S

    First Atomic bomb made by U.S
    The United States droped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima (20 kiloton bomb 'Little Boy' kills 80,000) The first bomb that was dropped for war purposes. The second was code named "Fat Man" and it was a plutonium bomb dropped on Aug. 9, 1945 on Nagasaki. The bombs caused Japan to surrender.
  • Stalin Hostile Speech

    Stalin Hostile Speech
    Stalin hostile speech - communism & capitalism were incompatible. He had delivered an alarmist election speech asserting that the capitalist system bred wars and that the Russian people, to remain strong, would have to make sacrifices under a Five Year Plan.
  • Demands From U.S to Russia

    Demands From U.S to Russia
    While the last American troops left Iran after WW II ended Moscow refused to withdraw its forces. Instead, the Soviets vowed continued support for a separatist movement in the northern province of Azerbaijan, establishing a “puppet Kurdish state” as well. These activities (along with on-going concern over Tudeh operations in other parts of the of the country) convinced the U.S that Rushia was going to take over part of Iran. In response they demanded Russia to leave.
  • Russia Expanding

    Russia Expanding
    Communist takeover in Czechoslovakia
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    Berlin Blockade begins in June 1948 and lasts till May 1949.
  • H-Bomb Development

    H-Bomb Development
    Truman approved H-bomb development
  • Korean War begins

    Korean War begins
    June 24: Korean War begins. Stalin supports North Korea who invade South Korea equipped with Soviet weapons
  • Nuclear Arms Race

    Nuclear Arms Race
    March 17-June 4 Nuclear Arms Race atomic test series of 11 explosions at Nevada Test Site
  • End of Korean War

    End of Korean War
    The fighting ended on 27 July 1953, when the armistice was signed. The agreement created the Korean Demilitarized Zone to separate North and South Korea, and allowed the return of prisoners.
  • Warslaw Pact

    Warslaw Pact
    The strategy behind the formation of the Warsaw Pact was driven by the desire of the Soviet Union to dominate Central and Eastern Europe. This policy was driven by ideological and geostrategic reasons
  • Sputnik Launched into orbit

    Sputnik Launched into orbit
    October 4 : Sputnik launched into orbit.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    October : Cuban Missile Crisis
  • U.S Fighting Communism

    April : U.S. Marines sent to Dominican Republic to fight Communism
  • Cease Fire

    January : Cease fire in Vietnam between North Vietnam and United States
  • Berlin Wall Demolished

    November : Berlin Wall is demolished and East Germany allows unrestricted migration to West Germany
  • Cold war Ends

    August : End of Soviet Union and the Cold War Ends