The Tehran Conference
Ended: December 1st 1943
Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt met at Tehran and reached some definite and some principal agreements focused on a strategy to win world war 2. -
The Yalta Conference
Ended: February 12th 1945
Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt met again at Yalta to further discuss war related issues such as how Germany would be dealt with after it's defeat. -
The Potsdam Conference
Ended: August 2nd 1945
Between this conference and the previous one President Truman replaced Roosevelt and Attlee replaced Churchill whilst Stalin remained the same. This change in leaders heavily increased tensions as neither leaders had dealt with one another prior to this. -
USA Drops Atomic Bomb On Hiroshima
USA Drops Atomic Bomb On Nagasaki
WW2 Armistice Signed
Japan Officially Surrenders
The Long Telegram
Kennan reported that the Stalin wanted to see the destruction of Capitalism: worrying the USA. -
Chruchill's Iron Curtain Speech
The Novikov Telegram
Novikov claimed that the US wanted to use it's military power to dominate the world and that the American public was being prepared for war. -
The Truman Doctrine
Key aims: The world had a choice between communism and democracy; the USA would fight for liberty wherever it was threatened; and Communism shouldn't be allowed to grow and gain territory. -
The Marshall Aid Plan
Committed $13 billion to rebuild the shattered economy of Europe. In order for EU countries to qualify they had to agree to trade freely with America thus benefiting the American economy as well. -
Cominform: The Communist Information Bureau
An international association run by the USSR to represent communism. -
The Berlin Blockade
Ended: May 12th 1948
Stalin cut off all land routes across soviet controlled Germany into Berlin. -
The Berlin Airlift
Ended: September 30th 1949
In response to the the West had no problem importing products through air. -
Comecon: The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
This was Stalin's answer to the Marshall Plan. It aimed to encourage economic development in Eastern European countries. -
Members: USA, UK. Canada, West Germany (1955), Portugal, France, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Iceland, Luxembourg and Denmark.