The Cold War

By Person_
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    Cold War

  • Soviets detonate their first Atomic Bomb

    Soviets detonate their first Atomic Bomb
    After Stalin learned of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he had the "Soviet Atomic Bomb project" program be pursued aggressively to try and match America's atomic bombs. The first successful weapon test was conducted on August 29th, 1949 within a testing facility in Kazakhstan.
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    Korean War

    The Korean War was the war fought between North and South Korea. Each thinking of themselves as the sole government and that the border was only temporary. North Korea was the first to cross the border to attack, and on June 25, 1950; the United Nations deemed this an invasion and mobilized troops to repel the North Korean troops. ----------continued in the Korean War Event-----------
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    ----------Continued------------- The war "ended" on July 27, 1953 following the signing of the Korean Armistice Agreement, this created a remilitarized zone that would separate North and South Korea; since no peace treaty was ever signed, The Korean war was still technically ongoing until a peace treaty was signed in 2018.
  • Rosenbergs are executed

    Rosenbergs are executed
    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of spying on the US for the Soviet Union. upon their conviction, they were sentenced to be executed.
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    McCarthy Hearings

    The McCarthy hearings were a series of hearings held by the US Senate's Subcommittee on Investigations to investigate the conflicting accusations between the US Army and Senator Joseph McCarthy. McCarthy is accused of pressuring the army into giving special treatment to G. David Schine, who was a former McCarthy aide. McCarthy counters this: accusing the army of making this accusation in retaliation to the recent aggressive investigations of suspected communists and security risks in the army.
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    Geneva Convention

    This convention was held to settle outstanding issues from the Korean War, with many different nations partaking in it. The Geneva Accord was signed at some point within this convention; the Geneva Accord was designed to deal with the dismantling of Indochina.
  • McCarthy Hearing

    This is the mid point between the start and end of the McCarthy hearings. Once again, this date means nothing other than being the middle date and a place to put a picture for the timeline
  • Geneva Accord signed

    Geneva Accord signed
    The Geneva Accord was signed at some point within the Geneva Convention, this date means absolutely nothing other than that its the middle point between the start and end of the Geneva Convention so that I have a place to put the picture since the other description is on a timespan and not an event.
  • Sputnik

    The satellite named "Sputnik" is launched into low orbit by the Soviets. this is the fist ever artificial Earth satellite to ever be launched into space. It was launched into orbit on October 4th, 1957 and orbited for three weeks before its batteries died, upon the exhaustion of its batteries; it continued to orbit for two months before falling back into the atmosphere.
  • NASA is created

    NASA is created
    In response to the Soviets launching Sputnik into orbit, NASA is created to oppose them in regards to space related projects.
  • Fidel Castro Takes Power

    Fidel Castro Takes Power
    Fidel Castro took power following the Cuban Revolution which occurred from 1953 to 1959. On February 16th, 1959 he was sworn in as prime minister and continued as prime minister until 1976. in 1976: Cuba had abolished it's communism and announced being a socialist state, in which he then became president until 2008 when he passed his presidency off to his brother.