Ho Chi Minh
He was president of North Vietnam. He led the peoples army of Vietnam and the Viet Cong during the Vietman War. HS: he set out to reunite vietnam as one nation under communist rule. -
United Nations
Founded after WWII to replace the League of Nations. Its founding had 51 states that were apart of it. HS: The United Nations actually had an army and were able to step in and have an impact unlike the League of Nations. -
Iron Curtain
Mentioned in a speech by Winston Churchill after WWII. It claimed that eastern and western Europe were divided by an "iron curtain" HS: It was important because no one knew what was going on in the Soviet Union and causing the Red Scare. It also caused the Cold War. -
Truman Doctrine
Speech given by President Harry Truman. It was said the the U.S. would support Greece and Turkey with military and economic aidto prevent them from falling to communism. HS: It was said to have started the Cold War because it started the containment policy. -
Marshall Plan
it was an idea by the Americans to aid Europe. It stated that the U.S. would give financial aid to any country that would promise to not fall to communism. HS: It helped inforce the containment theory. -
European Economic Cooperation
it is an international economic organization that was develpoed to create economic prgress through the ideas of the Marshall Plan. It was made to increase trade and the reconstruction off Europe after the effects of WWI. HS: It helped to rebuild western Europe. HS: -
Berlin Airlift
Berlin was split into four section and The Berlin Airlift was an airlift that supplied food and fuel by Allies to west Berlin civilians after Russia closed out land availability to them. HS: It was significant because it showed the Soviets that the Allies were not going to let them take over Berlin. -
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Intergovernmental military alliance between U.S. amd much of democratic western Europe. HS: It was a huge alliance that had a large impact on the Cold War. -
People's Republic of China
Led by Mao Zedong, a socialist/communist government. Led the great leap foward and the cultural revolution HS: It was a huge country that fell to communism. -
Korean War
War between South Korea and the U.S., the U.S.S.R and North Korea. It began when North Korea invaded South Korea. HS: It was a way that U.S. and the Soivets could fight indirectly. -
He was the leader of the Soviet Union during the Cold War and was the first Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He de-Stalinized the Soviet Union and was replaced in office in 1964. HS: He was the only Soviet Union leader to be removed from office peacefully. He also wanted peace with the westerners. -
KGB ( Committee for State Security)
It was the Security agency for the Soviet Union. It also acted a secret police force. HS: It is known for a military service and it was made to guard and protect the Border of the USSR. -
Geneva accords
It was supposed to be a conference to end the conflict that Vietnam and France were having. The Conference included the United States, Soviet Union, UK, France, China and North and South Vietnam. HS: It divided Vietnam in the 17 parallel. -
Explosion of the first hydrogen bomb
The United States created the first hydrogen bomb and they tested it on the island of Bikini in the Marshall Islands. HS:It was supposed o be 1,000 times stronger than the atomic bomb. -
Warsaw Pact
An alliance between 8 communist states and easterm Europe. It was founded by the U.S.S.R. HS: It is the opposite of NATO. -
Vietnam War
It was between North Vietnam which was supported by the U.S.S.R. and South Vietnam which was supported by the U.S. North Vietnamese would win marking the U.S.'s first defeat in an actual war. HS: This was the 1st time it was shown on television. -
Suez Canal/NASSER
IT was a diplomatic and military confrontation between Egypt, and Britain and France and Israel. The U.S. and the Soviet Union also played a big roll. HS: It is the first time the U.S. and the Soviet Union worked together or agreed during the Cold War. -
It was the first artifical Earth satelite launched into space by the Russians. HS: It started the space race between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. which was part of the Cold War. -
Berlin Wall is erected
East German Authorities began building the wall to shut off connections into the west. It was built because more than 2.6 million east Germans escaped into west Berlin. HS: It was important because for the next 28 years it will be known as the "iron curtain" that splits Europe. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
It was between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union were buliding nuclear- armed weapons in Cuba and so the U.S. reacted by saying they were going to build a blockade around Cuba. The Soivet Union and the U.S. agreed to remove the missiles if the U.S. wouldn't invade Cuba. HS: It was the first time the world has ever been close to a nuclear war.
HS: It was the first time the world has ever been close to a nuclear war. -
He was the German Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He was leader of the Soviet Union for a total of 18 years. HS: After his leading, many problems will occur in the Soviet Union's economy but he did expand the military of the Soviet Union great measures. -
Tet Offensive
Launched by the Viet Cong against South Vietnamese and U.S. troops. It was a tactic of guerrilla warfare. HS: It is what won North Vietnam in the War. -
Helsinki accords
It was a diplomatic agreement signed by the EEC. It was used to try and reduce some of the tension between the Soviet Union and Western blocs. It was signed by the Soviet Union, almost all countries in Europe, and the United States. HS: It did not work out. -
Iranian hostage crisis
52 Americans held hostage for 444 days under a group of Islamic students eho supported the Iranian Revolution. HS: This was the United States's first big issue with the middle east. -
Russian Invasion of Afghanistan
Afghanistan people rebell after the U.S.S.R. troops are sent there. HS: U.S. gave Afghanistan almost everything to help them in war and we trained their troops. -
Moscow Olympics
It was an international multi-sport event held in Moscow. 65 countries boycotted here during the games because of the was in Afghanistan. HS: It was the first games to be held in Eastern Europe. -
Lech Walesa and the Solidarity Movement in Poland
It was led by Lech Walsea and it was a independant labor union. it won over 9.4 million members. The Polish government outlawed the union and arrested him and he will eventually be released. HS: It created a non-violent anti-commmunist social movement and is known to have influenced the fall of communism. -
Los Angeles Olympics
The SUmmer Olympics in California. It was the swcond time Los Angeles held the games. HS: the Soivet Union, Cuba, and East Germany boycotted the olypmics. -
Perestroika and Glasnost
It was introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev. It was a dual program promoting the reconstructioning of the governement as well as openess. HS: The economy could have improved by Gorbachev if he would have stayed in power. -
It was a nuclear accident that occured in Ukraine at a power plant called Chemobyl Nuclear Power Plant. It released radioactive particles that caused many deaths and fatal diseases. HS: It was one of the 2nd nuclear disaters that was on a level 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale. It caused many deaths and still has effects such as cancer and other harmful outcomes. -
Tiananmen Square
It was a student led protest over China's political leadership. On June 4th, troops with riffles and tanks wounded unarmed citizens. HS: It was sort of an act of terrorism. -
Berlin Wall is Torn Down
East German people thought that they should have the right and free of travel to go one the other side.The tearing down of the wall was a sense of freedom.The government are the ones who built the wall in the first place, and they are the ones that tear it down. HS: it was important because it was a new unification of Germany in the last 30 years. -
He was former president of the Soviet Union and he also ended communism. HS: He was the first and last president of the Soviet Union. -
He took over after Gorbachev. Started a market economy. HS: He was the first president of the Russian Federation. -
End of the USSR
It was when the Soviet Union got renamed back to Russia and lost all the communist nations. It was underr Mikhail Gorbachev. HS: It was historically significant because it signified the end of the cold war. -
He was president of Russia from 2000- 2008. He was recently relected this year to be the president for the next 6 years. HS: Hesupported the U.S. after the 911 attack.