The cold war

  • stalin

    primary leader of the soviet union he implemented a command economy and labour camps for those who did not agreee with him
    hs-important figure during the cold war for his daring ideas for spreading communism
  • Leonid Brezhnev

    Leonid Brezhnev
    joined the communist party in Russia and was appointed party political cheif under Khrushchev.
    hs- worked to spread communism and first party secretary of the communist party.
  • los angeles olympics

    los angeles olympics
    world wide olympics held during the great depression when nobody else host it
    hs-showed us competance in times of crisis
  • united nations

    united nations
    The UN was founded in 1945 after World War II to replace the League of Nations, to stop wars between countries, and to provide a platform for dialogue hs-kept peace between nations
  • iron curtain

    iron curtain
    symbolized the ideological conflict and physical boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War II in 1945 until the end of the Cold War in 1991 HS-kept people on the inside while keeping unwanted information out
  • truman doctrine

    truman doctrine
    international relations policy set forth by the U.S. President Harry Truman in a speech on March 12, 1947 hs-helped other countries immensly leading to our own boom
  • marshall plan

    marshall plan
    offered American aid to European countries under communist control and to encourage democrtic ideals
  • Ho Chi Minh

    Ho Chi Minh
    served as the President of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
    hs-establihed communist rule
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO
    defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party
  • berlin airlift

    berlin airlift
    helped get supplies into communist south germany
  • peoples republic of china

    peoples  republic of china
    Mao Zedong proclaimed the People's Republic of China, after the civil war ended in 1949 hs-because of this they didnt get a spot in the united nations
  • korean war

    korean war
    conflict betweent North Korea and South Korea. The United Nations helped aid South Korea while China helped aid North Korea.
  • first hydrogen bomb

    first hydrogen bomb
    first hydrogen bomb gives the u.s a short lived step forward in the nuclear race
  • kruschchev

    led soviet union during the cold war
    hs-made kennedy look alot better
  • KGB

    security agency for the Soviet Union from 1954 until 1991
    hs-destroyed revolution 1956
  • geneva accords

    geneva accords
    The text of agreement that formally ended the war between France and the Vietminh in 1954
    hs-seperated vietnam
  • warsaw pact

    warsaw pact
    treaty between Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland and the Soviet Union
  • vietnam

    War fought between North and South Vietnam that ended in 1975 with the north emerging victorious
    hs-caused resenment amongst us people who couldnt understand why we were fighting there in the first place
  • eec

  • sputnik

    serious of artificial sattelites created by the Soviet Union
    hs-first to ever be put into orbit
  • berlin wall is erected

    berlin wall is erected
    seperated germanys main city in half
    hs-people tried to escpae do to how much they hated the soviet side
  • cuban missle crisis

    cuban missle crisis
    The Soviet Union planted missiles in Cuba that would land in the United States
    hs-almost startedna nuclear war
  • suez canal crisis

    suez canal crisis
    war between Syria, Jordan and Egypt. The United Nbut the Isreali's wanted them out
  • tet offense

    tet offense
    suprise attack from a rebel group in vietnam forcing the us to get invloved
    hs-showed the power of communist governemnt
  • Helsinki Accords

    Helsinki Accords
  • iranian hostage crisis

    iranian  hostage crisis
    52 Americans were held hostage for 444 days by Iranian Muslimstudents
    hs-boosted the spirits of the people in iran
  • russian invasion of afghan

    russian invasion of afghan
    the soviets invaded afghan and is said to have caused vietnam war
    hs-lots of afghans led the country due to fear they would be killed
  • moscow olympics

    moscow olympics
    65 countries boycotted the games because of the Soviet war in Afghanistan led to the Soviet boycott of the 1984 Summer Olympics
    hs-made carter look like he was unfit to be president
  • perestroika and glasnost

    perestroika and glasnost
    words used by Mikhail Gorbachev Perestrioka means revolution and glasnost means openness.
  • cherobyl

    worst nuclear explosion in the history of mankind
    hs-we're still feeling the affects today
  • tianaman sqaure

    tianaman sqaure
    student demonstration in Beijing that received broad support from city residents and exposed china's weak governement
    hs-known as the tianaman square massacre
  • berlin wall torn down

    berlin wall torn down
    wall that seperated germanys main city into two differnt cities
  • Gorbachev

    former Soviet statesman, having served as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
    hs-ended political communist power
  • Lech Walesa & Solidarity Movement in Poland

    Lech Walesa & Solidarity Movement in Poland
    A Polish politician, trade-union organizer, and human rights activist.he later became President in Poland
    hs-helped semi free parlimentry
  • boris veltsin

    boris veltsin
    Russian politician and the first President of the Russian Federation,
    hs-caused russia to hit an economic downturn
  • end of the ussr

    end of the ussr
    the collapse of the ussr
  • putin

    officer in the KGB. and became Acting President in december 1999 when Yeltsin resigned unexpectedly. Putin won the subsequent 2000 presidential election and was re-elected in 2004
    hs-ended political crisis of the 90's