Most memorable communist leader of the USSR ever. killed millions of people under his reign, and was the original leader during the cold war. Most remember communist leader, mainly for his cruelty. But advanced the USSR into the modern age and made them a world superpower. -
United Nations
Wrlds largest orginization. enforces law upon every country in the world and is supposed to stop war between countries. -
Iron Curtain
Imaginary line that seperated communist eastern europe from non-communist western europe. Berlin wall was one physical piece that seperated the two sides. mainly seperated by the nuclear power and range of each side. seperated one of the most influencial continents on the world, the war on communism. -
Truman Doctrine
Doctrine created by truman as a policy to stop the spread of Communism. -
The Marshall Plan
US plan to help rebuild the economies of Europe after WW2. They used this plan to help stop the spread of communism. Made many of the economies prosperous again and worked to stop communism. -
Berlin Airlift
Lasted over a year, the US flew more than 200,000 flights over East Berlin. They provided over 4700 tons of goods to the berliners for daily survival. Showed how different the sides of Berlin were, Communist half of the world was poor, while the Democratic sides was prosperous. -
North Atlantic Treaty Orginization
NATO was a treaty signed by 28 countries. The countries are determined to make peace throughout the world, and will all help each other in a time of need. Their leading rivals are the members of the Warsaw Pact(communist based) largest alliance in the world, determined to try and bring peace. -
Peoples Republic of China
In 1911, the last dynasty was overthrown, and in 1949, China became Communist. They are known as a Nuclear Superpower. and are a standing member of the UN. Worlds largest communist superpower. -
Korean War
War fought between the Communsit North Vietnam and democratic South Vietnam. The North invaded the South but neither side could win. Divided the two countries at the 38th parallel. Demilitarized zone. First major war fought by the US against Communism. Neither side could win the war. -
Explosion of the first Hydrogen bomb
First Hydrogen bomb was made and tested by the US. The US created the bomb and when they tested it, it was said to be 1000 times bigger than an atomic bomb. Gave the US a huge lead in the arms race of the Cold War -
Suez Canal/Nasser
Isreal, France and Britain attacked Egypt cause there new president shut down the canal to all shipping. The US and USSR supported the withdrawal of their forces. THey managed to reopen the canal, but Nasser stayed in power. -
First piece of technology sent into outerspace. Sent by the Soviet Union and started the space race. started American Sputnik scare. First satelite ever to reach space. -
European Economic Coorperation
Tried to bring a common market to countries throughout Europe. Mainly six countries started it off and in 1990's changed to the EC. Helped to build up many of the economies of new European countries -
Berlin Wall is erected
Wall put up to seperate East and West germany. The soviets made the wall to kepp the US run West Germany seperate from the Soviet ran West Germany. Made West Germany prosper while East Germany failed. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Soviets planned to put Nuclear missiles on Cuba in order to prevent another US attack on the Cubans. Nikita shipped missiles over to Cuba, but the US setup a blockade in order to prevent the missiles from reaching Cuban soil. Closest to nuclear war the world has ever been. -
Took power after Nikita, and ruled second longest in Soviet history. Grew the Soviet Union as a whole and expanded the military greatly. But overlooked problems with the soviets government which eventually lead to their downfall in the 1990's. second longest ruler in soviet history that helped expand their military to a world power. -
tet offensive
Supposed to be a 2 day cease fire, but the Communist North Vietnam attacked around 100 South Vietnam towns. The North killed many people and was seen as a disgrace on the 2 day cease fire. -
Ho Chi Minh
Communist leader of North Vietnam. Tried to unite both Vietnams under one communist country. Leader of the Viet Cong and supported the war against the US. Most influencial communist leader to come out of Vietnam. -
Served as the leader of the Soviet Union from 1958 to 1964. Supported the ideas of Stalin and followed in his footsteps. taken out of power in 1964 and replaced by Brezhnev. Leader of Soviet Union during the cold war. -
Helsinki accords
The Helsinki accords were held in Finland in 1975, when the countries of Europe met in a chance to improve the relations with the communist bloc and the west. an attempt to solve the communism/capitalism struggle in europe. -
War fought between Us and North Vietnam. considered the only war the US lost. Finally united by Communist North Vietnam. -
Russian Invasion of Afghanistan
the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, and fought the US supported Mujahideen. The Soviets never won, and only resulted tons of death. Millions fleed the country. War fought against Communism, and the Soviets never won. -
KGB (commitee for state security)
They were an intelligence and counter intelligence agency for the Soviet Government. They are very similar to the CIA, they were created in 1945 and lasted till the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. USed to collect information throughout the entire cold war. Intelligence agency used against the US used to collect information, similar to the CIA. -
Moscow Olympics
Olympics were held in Moscow in the Soviet Union. 65 countries boycotted the games, led by the US, due to the Soviet war in Afghanistan. -
Iranian Hostage Crisis
Iranian militants took control over a US embassy in Tehran. They held them hostage for 444 days. The US tried to rescue the hostages but failed. Iraq invaded Iran and they finally released the hostages. Maked increased tensions between the US and Iran which are still around today. -
Los Angeles Olympics
the 1984 olympic games were held in Los Angeles California, the second time it was held there. It was boycotted by 13 communist nations, but still attracted, to that date, the largest participating number of countries yet. -
One of the worst nuclear disasters to ever happen. A Soviet ran nuclear power plant in Ukraine exploded and covered half of Europe with radioactive particles. Caused many forms of cancers and deformities. Soviet power plant exploded and covered Europe with deadly particles, considered one of the worst catastrophies of all time. -
Perestroika and Glasnost
Perestroika was known as reconstructing, of the Soviet Union. Incorporated by Gorbachev, and is said to have led to the down fall of the USSR. Lead to the downfall of the USSR -
Geneva accords
A mutual agreement with the Soviets to pull their troops out of Afghanistan. This ended the 9 year long occupation of Afghanistan and ended soviet afghan war. Soviet backed Afghans still managed to gain control over the government until 1993. US supported the Afghan rebels to fight against the Soviets. Ended Soviet Afghan War and forced the Soviets to back out of Afghanistan. -
Tiananmen Square
Thrid largest city in the world. in 1989 many pro-democracy protests were held in the square. Death of several thousand protesters happened during this time, -
Berlin Wall is torn down
Berlin wall was starting to be torn down on November 9, but Germans were able to cross over the wall a couple weeks before. Germany finally gained its independence and reunited as a whole country. -
Last president of the Soviet Union. Contributed to the end of the Cold War and made better relations with the Soviet Union. Conributed to the end of the Cold War. -
Lech Walesa and the Solidarity Movement in Poland
Polish politician and president of the Post Communist Poland. created Solidarity and helped Poland get out of communism and hold free elections. His influenece started to fade after 1995, but he is still remembered. Helped to pull Poland out of communism and helped them start up free elections. -
End of the U.S.S.R.
In 1991 the communist leader Gorbachev handed over the leadership of the counrty to the new elected president, Yelstin.Which marked the fall of the communist Soviet Union, and marked the rise of democratic Russia. Made for the end of the Cold War. -
Putin is the latest president of Russia. He seved under Yeltsin and is still in charge. Improving relations with the US.