
The Cold War

  • Muhammad Ali

    Muhammad Ali
    He becomes the Vice President of the Indian Muslim Association.
  • Gandhi

    He and his followers established the “Satyagraha ashram”, which is a religious-oriented community where Ghandi, his family, and his followers will live; opposition to the mistreatment of the Untouchables.
  • Nehru

    He established the Independence for India League
  • Marcus Garvey

    Marcus Garvey
    Marcus Garvey (1887-1940)- Black Nationalist leader who supported the idea that U.S blacks should seek the return to their homeland (Africa)
  • Yalta Conference

    The conference between the three major allied leaders President Franklin D. Roosevelt of the U.S., Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Great Britain, and Joseph Stalin of the Soveit Union that took place at the end of WWII in Russia.
  • Conflict between U.S. & The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

    The conflict between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics emerge, leading to superpowers, a very powerful and influential nation that distinguishes their supreme power.The Cold War has essentially begun, with the Soviet Union attempting to have more communist countries like Mao Tse-tung’s communist China join them, while the U.S. is pushing for democracy across the globe.
  • Potsdam Conference

    The Potsdam Conference takes place, whose attendees include Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union, Harry Truman of the U.S, and Winston Churchill of Great Britain. The purpose of the conference was to decide how the recently defeated Nazi Germany should be punished.
  • WWII Ends (Pax Americana)

    The U.S defeated Japan to officially end World War II, bringing about a period of relative peace in the western world known as Pax Americana.
    August 1945
    After the surrender of Japan in August 1945, the 38th parallel was established as the boundary between North and South Korea by Dean Rusk and Charles Bonesteel of the U.S. State Department.
  • U.S. frees Phillipines

    U.S. frees Phillipines
    Philippines were highly influenced by the Americans, which lead them to maintain a noncommunist government friendly to U.S. interest.
  • Winston Churchill

    Winston Churchill
    Winston Churchill delivered a speech on the iron curtain, what he referred to as the division of the European continent into opposing blocs in terms of poltics, military, and ecomics. One portion dependent on the United States while the other side depended on the USSR
  • Containment Launch

    The containment was launched because it was a framework for the United States to prevent the Soviet efforts to spread its influence on communism
  • Pakistan/India IndependenceVIDEO

    Pakistan/India IndependenceVIDEO
  • Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan, the American program to aid Europe, in which the U.S gave european countries economic aid in an effort to prevent the spread of communism.
  • NATO

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was established to serve as a military balance to the Soviet Forces in Europe (caused by the struggle between the Soviet Union and the U.S that led to the split in military)
  • Federal Republic of Germany

    As the relations between the United States and the Soviet Union weakended, the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) was formed because the British, French, and the U.S zones of occupation eventually united.
  • Soviet Union

    The German Democratic Republic (East Germany) formed from the Soviet Union
  • Pyongyang

    Pyongyang regime ordered more than hundred thousand troops in a surprise attack on South Korea. Couple of weeks later U.S had pushed into North Korea and had occupied pyongyang. U.S advanced towards the Yalu River near China’s border, which cause Chinese government to issue a warning to U.S. But U.S did not respond to the warning which would cause 300 thousands Chinese soldiers to start that would last for 2 more years.
  • Joe McCarthy

    Joe McCarthy
    Senator Joe McCarthy begins Communist witch hunt. In an attempt to be re-elected into the Senate, Senator Joe McCarthy launches an anti-communist crusade, claiming to the American Public that he possessed a list of 205 government officials apart of the “American Communist Party.”
  • Korean War Begins VIDEO

    Korean War Begins VIDEO
  • Mau Mau

    Mau Mau
    In Kenya, the Mau Mau averred an open rebellion against British rule. As a result, Bristish forces arrested over 2000 Kikuyu who were thought to be members of the Mau Mau
  • Reformed Communism

    After the death of Joseph Stalin, Stalin’s successor, Nikita Khrushchev developed reformed communism, a more economically productive type aimed to balance growth, one without the terror and intimidation that had characterized the Stalin era, over emphasize on heavy industry, but most of these promises were never made.
  • Korean War Ends

    The Korean war, which began in 1950, ends. It was one of the first major “proxy war” between the Soviet Union and the U.S. during the Cold War. A proxy war is a war fought indirectly between two countries by using other countries. U.S begins its effort to prevent the spread of communism in Asia through the Korean War
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    The U.S Supreme Court case Brown vs. Board of Education ruled segregation as illegal in schools. This was through the Civil Rights Movement.
  • "Domino Theory" VIDEO

    U.S President Dwight D. Eisenhower took into account the famous “domino theory”. This strategic theory stated that if one coutry was under the influence of communism, then the neighboring ones would collapse by falling as a prey to this form of government
  • Geneva Conference

    The Geneva Conference, which took place in Geneva, Switzerland, was held with the purpose of unifying Vietnam and finding a way to restore peace in Indochina.The Soviet Union, the United States, France, the United Kingdom and the People’s Republic of China were participants throughout the whole conference
  • Warsaw Treaty

    The Warsaw Treaty Organization was formed as a result of the fortification of West Germany
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks, an African-American woman living in Montgomery (Alabama), refused to give up her bus seat to a white man. Through this act, she launched the Civil Rights Revolution that brought major advances for the African-Americans
  • "Third Path"

    Leaders from six African and twenty-three Asian nations gathered in Bandung, Indonesia notably to find an alternative “third path” as opposed to just the United Sates and the Soviet Union.African countries as well as all of those countries not officially associated with the U.S or Soviet Union begin to be referred to as “third world countries”. African desire and effort to no longer be considered colonies is known as colonial liberation.
  • Peaceful Coexistance

    1953-1956- After the death of Stalin, Kruschev placed importance on ‘peaceful coexistence’ between various social systems and bringing back communism through peaceful means
  • Kitchen Debate VIDEO

    Nixon and Khrushchev, exchange of words about their countries, from this both found out how different their countries are, ideology, beliefs, and how Women should act at the time.
  • Essential Equivalence

    Essential Equivalence
    Richard Nixon coined the term “essential equivalence” in the strategic forces of the Soviet Union as they began to approach a balance of power
  • U.S. Spy Plane

    U.S. Spy Plane
    Soviet Union reveals that U.S. spy plane was shot down over Soviet territory.An American U-2 spy plane conducting espionage in the Soviet Union is shot down. The CIA told the president that, even if the plane were to be shot down, it had self-destruct mechanisms that would make any wreckage unrecognizable and the pilot himself was trained to kill himself in such a situation. Based on this information, the U.S. government issued a false statement saying that a weather plane had traveled off cours
  • JFK

    John F. Kennedy becomes the youngest ever president, narrowly defeating Republican Richard Nixon.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    The Bay of Pigs was an unsuccessful U.S backed exiles attempt to overthrow the government of Fidel Castro in Cuba. Exiles armed with U.S weapons landed at the Bay of Pigs on the southern coast of Cuba. It was obvious from the beginning the invasion would be a failure, and 90 exiles were eventually killed and the rest captured as Castro and Cuba defeated the exiles.
  • East Germans

    East Germans
    Around 3.5 million East Germans (most of whom were young and highly skilled) fled their homeland,
    East Germany shrinking.
  • JFK

    Kennedy requests spending increase for military.Kennedy requests a 25% increase in spending for the United States military. East Germans Flee
  • Berlin Border Closed

    Communist enforced a method of restriction that eventually punished any civilian that tried to pass through the barrier (Berlin Wall)
  • Berlin Wall VIDEO

    Berlin Wall VIDEO
    Construction Of Berlin Wall begins
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The crisis started on October 15 1962. It was about the Soviet Union having nuclear weapons on the island of Cuba. By this time through the nuclear arms race, the United States and the Soviet Union had developed nuclear weapons powerful enough for MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction).Khrushchev said he would remove the Soviet missiles and their personnel if the U.S. doesn’t invade Cuba.Deterrence also played a big factor in avoiding nuclear war. It forced the Soviets to make an agreement.
  • Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

    Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
    The Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was ratified
  • JFK Assasination

    President Kennedy was assassinated, theoretically, because of his efforts to stop the Vietnam War. He would not call off the Operation Northwoods that was a "false flag" operation which was designed by members of the United States military.
  • The Gulf of Tonkin

    The Gulf of Tonkin
    The Gulf of Tonkin Incident was two separate occurrences involving naval forces of North Vietnam and the United States in the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin that prompted the first large-scale involvement of U.S. armed forces in Southeast Asia. On August 2, 1964, the destroyer USS Maddox (DD-731) engaged three North Vietnamese P-4 torpedo boats, resulting in damage to the three boats. Two days later the Maddox (having been joined by the destroyer USS Turner Joy (DD-951) reported a second engagemen
  • U.S. Marines to Dominican Republic

    On April 28, more than 22,000 U.S. troops, supported by forces provided by some of the member states of the Organization of American States landed in the Dominican Republic which later brought an end to the fighting and helped install a conservative, non-military government.
  • Dispatching Announcement

    In order to prevent the “domino theory” ,originally proposed by Eisenhower where if one country falls others around it will fall, LBJ increased support in South Vietnam to prevent it from falling to the hands of the north which was communist, avoiding the “domino effect”.
  • Sub-Saharan Africa

    1960-1966- As president of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah campaigns for the political unity of Sub-Saharan Africa