Funeral Protests in Derra
In Derra, people were protesting during funerals, for the victims that died by police brutality. Huge crowds marched to the cemetary chanting, "Syria, Freedom." Eventually, police did a crackdown on funeral protesters, and used tear gas, rubber bullets, and ammo to stop the protesting. Eventually, 34 people died and Derra was surrounded by security. This shows that the Syrians are so desparate for change in their government, that they are willing to protest at their love ones funeral. -
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Derra Funeral March
Snipers Killed for Siding with Protesters
Syrian soldiers had been killed in Banias for being relunctant to fire on protesters. The states media lied by saying that the nine soldiers had been attacked by an ambush by an armed group. This shows the the military are starting to side with the protesters, which is a strategy to get the revolution on point. -
Hamza al-Kathib Becomes Revolutionary Symbol
Hazma, whose body was mutilated and tortured, was allegedly killed by Assad's forces. He was so brutally beaten, that the protesters made him as a symbol of the revolution. However, doctors believed that his body was beaten by conspitators. Regardless, establishing a symbol for a revolution is the next step Syrians took to strengthen their cause. -
Assad Forces Beat Up Political Cartoonist
Assad forces beat up Ali Ferzat for expressisng his views on the syrian government. As punishment, his hands were serverly broken. This stirs up Syrain protesters, causing them to have another symbol for their revolution. -
Syria's Opposition Groups Form Syrian National Council
Syria's main rebel forces decided to unite together by creating the Syrian National council. Their goal is to overthrow Assad's regime. This group is made up with a variety of ideologies, from secularists to islamists. They refuse to have international involvement in their group. So far, there is no leader, however the group is organized by three bodies, which are the general assembly, the general secretarits, and the executive committee.