Period: to
The Conflicts leading up to Civil War
Mexican-American War
The United States declares war on Mexico. This is siginficant to the topic, because it lead up to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Also after this war ended, it added California, Nevada, Utah, and most of New Mexico and Arizona, which all these new territories had a uprise betwe the North and South, if it should be free or slave state. -
Wilmot Proviso
An amendment to a bill brought to the U.S. House of Representatives during the Mexican-American War. The bill provided an appropriation of $2 million to let President Polk negotiate territorial settlement with Mexico. This is related to my topic, because this bill was set up to end the war with Mexico, but it didn't end until two years later, and added new territory for less the cost. -
Free Soil Party
A short lived political party. It lasted from the years 1848 through 1852 . It was a formed by former anti-slavery Whig & Democrats. This is important to my topic because this party did not want thee new territories to be slave states. -
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidaglo
The treaty that ended the Mexican-American War. The treaty entitled peace, friendship, limits, and territory settlements. This is significant to my topic, because of this treaty ne wland was ended to the United States/Union which caused future conflicts for the South and North. -
Harriet Tubman & Underground Railroad
Harriet Tubman was an escaped slave, to the North. She began to help other slaves escape capitivity. By the time when the Civil War began, she help about 300 slaves, through an escape route called the Underground Railroad. Harriet and her railroad were an significant factor to the Civil War because the South wanted the Fugitive Slave Act to pass and she was hated by the South because of her bravery and how she was an abolitionist. -
Last Compromise of 1850
Last Compromise of 1850 was passed; it admitted California as a free state, and voters in New Mexico and Utah could vote to be slave or free states. This is signigificant because the North wanted all new territory to be free states, but with this states can choice to slave or free, which isnt what the North wanted. -
Fugitive Slave Act
The South had stricit laws for Northerners t return runaway slaves to their owners, but Northerners did not follow it because, they were free states, and thought of the slaves as free. This important, becuase it an another example of conflicts between South and North leading up to the Civil War. -
Kanas-Nebraska Bill
This bill repeals the Missouri Compromise; it opens up the Great Plains to poular sovereignity. Also to divide it into Kanas and Nebraska territory.This bill is a conflict, because the more popular soverignty staes or slave states the chances of slaves increase to the west is higher. It is the North's goal to keep slavery from expanding. -
Crittenden Compromise
The Crittenden Compromise, by John J. Crittenden, is offered in Congress as one of several last-ditch efforts to resolve the secession crisis. This is very signiftcant because of Crittenden's compromise which had two plans: called for constitutional amendment to protect slavery from federal interfernce with any slave state and the second part called for the Missouri Compromise line to be drawn to California boarder; was to solve the secession crisis after Abraham Lincoln became president. -
Seccesions Begins
Th South Caroline secedes from the Union which leads the to seccessions of (in order): Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Gerogia, Lousiana, and Texas. This is sinificant to my tpic, because of it this seccession the Confederacy begins on Feb. 8th, 1861, which leds the Civil War beginning on Mar. 21, 1861.