Missouri Compromise
Maine was admitted as a free state and Missouri as a slave state. The Presidnet under this time was James Monroe. -
Santa Fe Trail
One of the busiest routees which strecehed 780 miles from Independence, Missouri, to Santa Fein the Mexican Providenceof New Mexico. -
San Felipe de Austin
One of the prominent leaders to settle in Texas. Was also the main settlement of the colony, where 297 land grants were distrubuted. -
The Liberator
A paper written by William Loyd Garrison stating that he wanted an immediate emancipation of slaves. -
Mexico Abolishes Slavery
When ehite settlers came to Texas, they brought thier slaves with them. The mexians, who abolished slavery in 1829, insisted tht the Texas release their slaves. -
Nat Turner's Rebellion
Turner and about 50 followers attaacked four plantations and killed about 60 whites. Eventually they were captured and executed. -
Steohen F. Austin goes to jail
On his way home from Mexico City he was imprisoned for iciting a revolution. -
Oregon Trail
Streched from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon City, Oregon -
Texas Revolution
Rebellion in which Texas gained its independence from Mexico. -
Manifest Destiny
The belief that the United States was destined to expand to the Pacific Ocean and to the Mexican and Native American territory. -
Texas Enters the United States
Most Texas hoped that theh United States would annex Texas, In 1844 U.S. presidetial campain focused on westward expansion, and the annexation of Texas was favored. -
Mexican-American War
The Mexican-American War stsrted because the loss of Texas. The president, James Polk, gave Mexico a proposal, which was rejected. American troops were sent into the diputed territory of Caohuila. These troops wer attacked by Mexican troops to start the the war. -
The North Star
Another antislavery newspaper written by Fredrick Douglass. Its purpose was to guide slaves to freedom. -
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Mexico agreed that the Rio Grande River would be the boarder between Mexico and Texas. U.S would pay 15 million dollars for the Mexican cession. -
Harriet Tubman
After her master died, she heard rumors that she was going to be sold. Fearing that possibility, she ran away to freedom. -
THe movement to abolosh slavery. -
Fugitive Slave Act
Alleged fugitive slaves were not entiteld to a trial by jury. In addition, anyone convicted of helping a fugitive slave was liable for a fine of up to 1,000 dollars and imprisonmentfor up to six months. -
Underground Railroad
Harriet Tubman started teh underground railroad. the purpose of it was so that sleves could escape to the north with protection. -
Compromise of 1850
To please the north,California be admitted as a free state. To please the south, a more effective fugitive slave law. -
Unclle Toms's Cabin
A novel, that stressed that slavery was not just a political contest, bu a great moral struggle. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
A bill that would split the area into two: Nebraska in the North, an Kansas in the south. If passed it would repeal the Misouri Comproise. -
Dread Scott v.Sandford
A slave whose owner took him from the slave state of Missiouri to free territory in Illinois and Wisconson and back to Missouri. The claim was that since he was in Illinois, a free state, that he is a free man. Supreme Court ruled against him. -
Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas Debates
Stephen Douglas believed in popular sovereignty. Lincoln belieeved that slavery was immoral. Stephen Douglas won the election. -
John Brown's Raid/Harpers Ferry.
He led a group of o21 men, black andn white, into Harpers Ferry, Virginia. His aim was to seize the federal arsenal there and start a general slavev uprising. -
Abraham Lincoln Becomes President.
He pledged to halt the further spred of slavery. Lincoln emerged as the winner. Hiss victory convinced Southerners that they had lost their politicalvoice in the national government. -
Formation of Confederacy
Some Southern states decided to act on the presidency of Lincoln, and receed form the United States. They drew up a constitution similar to the United States constution, but with few noticable differences. thestates that joined were Missippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Lousisana, and Texas. -
Attack on Fort Sumter
A southern fort that remain in the hands of the Union. Lincoln decided to neither abandon it nor reinforce it. Confederate forces soon began battering in it. -
Battle of Bull Run
Just 25 miles from Washington D.C. For most of the battle the confederated thad the upper hand, and in the end it was their first victory. -
Income Tax
Congress decided to pay for the war by collecting income tax. Income tax isi a tax that takes a specific percentage of an individual's income. -
Battle of Antiem
Known as the bloodiest singl-day battles in American history. Casualties were more than 26,000. After the battle, instead of pushing the Confederate Army to Virginia McClean did nothing. Lincoln then removed him from command. -
Emancipation Proclimation
Gave authority to the Union Army to seize enemy resources, and emancipate slaves. -
A draft that forced men to serve in the army. -
Battle at Gettysburg
THe most decisive battle of the war. The armies were ordered to take defensive positions. Both sides called for reinforcements. By the end of the first day 90,000 had taken the field against 75,000 confederates. After 51,000 deaths the north were victorious. -
Gettysburg Adress
A ceremony was decacaded to the lives lost at Gettysburg. There president Lincoln was to give a speech. The speech lasted for a little over two minutes. -
Battle at Vicksburg
One of the two remaining confederate stroongholds. It rested on bluff above the river from which they couldl control all water traffic. Grant bgan weakening the defenses that protected Vicksburg. he was able to lad his troops to the south, and in 18 days Union forces had sacked Jackson, the capitol of the state. -
Sherman's March
William Tecumseh Sherman began his march southeast through Georgia to the sea burning everthing that they possibly could. After reaching the ocean he turned north to help Grant. -
Surrender at Appomattox Court House
Lee and Grant met at a private home to arrange a confederate surrender. Grant paroled Lee's soldiers and sent them home with their possessions and threedays' worth of rations. Officers were permited to keep their sidearms. -
Thirteenth Amendment
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punsiment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States. -
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865 at Fords Theatre in Washington. John Wilkes Booth killed Linclon because he tried to revive the confederacy.