The Civil War

By JeenaC
  • 1831 BCE

    First issue of the Liberator

    First issue of the Liberator
    William Loyd Garrison created the first Liberator.
  • Kansas - Nebraska Act Passed

    Kansas - Nebraska Act Passed
    The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed the people of Kansas and Nebraska to decide whether or not to be slave states.
  • James Buchanan Sworn in as 15th President

    James Buchanan beat out John C. Freemont in the Election of 1856 to become the 15th President of the United States.
  • John Brown's Raid At Harpers

    John Brown's Raid At Harpers
    It was a effort by the white abolitionists and he wanted to initiate an armed slave revolt in 1859 by taking over a United States.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin Published

    Uncle Tom's Cabin is an anti-slavery novel written by Harriet Breecher Stowe.
  • Compromise of 1850 Passed

    The Compromise of 1850 was introduced by Senator Henry Clay to avoid trouble between North and South. The Fugitive Trade Act was amended and the slave trade in Washington DC was put to an end.
  • The Dred-Scott Decision