The Civil War

  • First issue of the liberator

    First issue of the liberator
    A newspaper to try to help end slavery written by William Lioyd Garrison
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850
    A compromise between the north and the south so California could be a free state
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin was published

    Uncle Tom's Cabin was published
    An anti-slavery novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe
  • Kansas-Nabraska act passed

    Kansas-Nabraska act passed
    Was and act that let them decide if they would allow slavery or not.
  • James Buchanan sworn into office as the 15th president

    James Buchanan sworn into office as the 15th president
    On March 4th, 1857 James Buchanan was sworn into office as the 15th president by the Democrat party.
  • Dred Scott's decision

    Dred Scott's decision
    Dred Scott went to the supreme court and said he should be a free citizen because he had traveled to a free state with his owner. The supreme court ruler said that congress cant just put an end to slavery for a slave.
  • John Brown's raid at Harpers Ferry

    John Brown's raid at Harpers Ferry
    John Brown led a group of his supporters to capture armory and arsenal. Brown was hung for his actions.
  • Abraham Lincoln elected president

    Abraham Lincoln elected president
    Abe was going against Steven Douglas. He won with 178 1/2 votes and Douglas only had 102.
  • The Battle at Fort Sumter begins

    The Battle at Fort Sumter begins
    The Battle of Fort Sumter began because South Carolina seceded. Everyone disagreed with letting Lincoln let South Carolina go.
  • First Battle of Bull Run begins

    First Battle of Bull Run begins
    The battle was the first major battle. It began because of the battle of Fort Sumter.
  • South Carolina secedes from the union

    South Carolina secedes from the union
    South Carolina seceded from the union because when Lincoln was elected for president and said he wanted slavery to stay the same and he didn't want to mess with it.
  • Emancipation Proclamation goes into effect

    Emancipation Proclamation goes into effect
    It went into effect to free all slaves and make them U.S. citizens.
  • Battle of Gettysburg begins

    Battle of Gettysburg begins
    It happened because General Lee wanted to get in with the war.
  • Sherman's march to the sea begins

    Sherman's march to the sea begins
    The reason the battle began was that Sherman found out that Abraham Lincoln was re-elected president.
  • Surrender at Appomattox court

    Surrender at Appomattox court
    General Lee surrendered to General Grant and then surrendered.
  • Abraham Lincoln's assassination

    Abraham Lincoln's assassination
    John Wilkes Booth got into Lincoln's booth while at Ford's theater, watching a show and shot Lincoln in the head. The reason Booth shot Lincoln was because Booth was a current slave owner and Lincoln just issued the Emancipation Proclamation to free all slaves.