Fort Sumter
This was the battle of Fort Sumter, and it took place on April 12, 1861. The leader of the Confederacy side was General PGT Beauregard. For the Union, the leader was Major Robert Anderson. The Confederacy won the battle, and this was important because it sparked the start of the Civil War. -
1st Battle of Bull Run
This was the Battle of Bull Run, and it took place on July 21, 1861. The leaders of the Union was General McDowell, and the leaders of the Conferderacy were General Beaugaurd and General "Stonewall" Jackson. The Confederacy also won this battle. This was an important battle because it was the first and changed the view of the war. -
Battle of Shiloh
This was the Battle of Shiloh, and took place on April 6, 1862, at Mississippi. General Ulysses and William "Techumsah" Sherman lead the North, while General Beauguard lead the South. The Union won this battle, and it was important because it was a strategic win for the Uniion-giving it partial control of the Mississippi River. -
Fall of New Orleans
The Fall of New Oreleans took place on April 25, 1862, on the Mississippi River. The leader of the Union was Captain Farragut. The Union won this battle, and this was important because it completed the Union control of the Mississippi River. -
Battle of Antietam
This battle took place at Maryland on September 17, 1862. The leader of the Union was General McClellan, and the leader of the Confederacy was General Lee. Neither side, however, won this battle. It was important because the Union was able to prevent lee from moving into Northern land, and because it also caused the Emancipation Proclamation. This battle was also named the "Bloodiest Day in American History". -
Battle of Fredericksburg
The Battle of Fredericksburg took place in Virginia on December 13, 1862. General Beauguard lead the Union, while General Lee lead the Confederacy. The Confederacy won this battle, and it was important because the South won again. -
Battle of Chancellorsville
The Battle of Chancellorsville took place in Virginia on May of 1863. The Union was lead by General Hooker, and the Confederacy was lead by General Lee and General Jackson. The Confederacy won, and it was important because it ruined the Union plans of attacking Richmond. -
Battle of Gettysburg
The Battle of Gettysburg took place in Pennsylvania on July 1-4, 1863. The Union leader was General Meade, and the Confederacy was lead by General Lee and General Pickett. The Union won this battle, and it was important because it ended the Confederacy hopes of getting hope from Britain or France. -
The Vicksburg Siege
The Vicksburg Siege took place on July 4, 1863 at Mississippi. The Union was lead by General Grant, and the Confederacy was lead by basically everyone. The Union won, and it was important because it was the major turning point of the war, splitting the Confederacy in half, and making the Union have total control of the Mississippi River. -
The Wilderness Campaign
The Wilderness Campaign took place in the Wilderness between DC and Richmond on May 5th, 1864. It started the 6 bloodiest wars in history, and there were many casualties. 50,000 people died in 30 days. -
Sherman's March to the Sea
General Sherman of the Union lead this march, which was from Georgia to Alabama, and they destroyed everythings, or caused total war. This was important because it broke the South's morale. At the same time, they destroyed anything that looked useful to the South-the food, fiels, and livestock. -
Farragut at Moblie Bay
This event took place at Moblie Bay on August 5th, 1864. David Farragut was the Union's leader, and he led 18 ships into Moblie Bay, Alabama. The Union had won this battle. This was important because this win lead to people to believe that the war would soon be over, so they reelected Lincoln. This caused him to pass the 13th Amendment, banning slavery in the U.S. -
Fall of Richmond/Surrender at Appomattox
April 2nd, 1865 was when the Confederacy drew, and the Union moved more towards Richmond, whereas the Surrender at Appomatton took place on April 9th, 1865. For the Union, General Grant led the siege, while on the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis fled to leave General Lee to defend for himself. This was important because it was the end of the Civil War.