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The Civil Rights Movement

By MBrulz
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    Homer A. Plessy was part white, part black. He had sat on an all white train car. He was later arested. He took his case to the supreme court, claiming that segregation was uncionstitutional. The Court however ruled that it was constitutional, and that it is a matter of public policy.
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    Events before the 20th century
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    Civil Rights Movement 1950-1959

    The 1950's was the beggining of the Civil Rights Movement.
    This decade saw: The first major victories in the Supreme Court Development of non-violent protests The transformation of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. into the movements preeminent leader.
  • Linda Brown v. Board of Education 1951-1954

    Linda Brown v. Board of Education 1951-1954
    In Topka Kansas; Linda Brown, had to ride the bus to go to a shcool for African American students, that was further than the all white school. Her father sued the board of education. He thought that his daughter shouyld be allowed to go to the nearer school. He brought his case to to the Supreme Court The case eventually made segregated schools illegal, due to that the Supreme Court ruled out that segregated public schools, were illegal.
  • The Emmit Till Case

    Emmit Till was a fourteen year old boy from the north. He was visiting the south for a few days. At a store he whistled at a white woman. He was later drowned and killed in a lake. He had weights tide to his ankles.
  • The Montgomery Bus Boycott/ Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks a black woman refused to give up her seat to a white man. She was arrested. This event sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott
  • Integration of Little Rock High School

    Nine black childen were arested, curse, and threatened by the mob outside their school. They had beeen assigned a U.S army bodyguard to drive them home, and to defend them all day.
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    Civil Rights Movement 1960-1964

    While the non-violent movement for Civil Rights started in the 1950's, it was during the early sixties that they began to pay-off. Civil Rights Activists and students challenged segregation. Television allowed Americans to watch often brutal responses to to the actions. The 1960-1964 timespan reveals just what an impressive number of historical events happened between 1960 and 1964
  • Lunch Counter Sit-Ins.

    Black people would sit in the lunch counters and there are people who would harass them, and throw food at them/ The waiter said "Get out, we won;t server you". The manger threatened to call the police.
  • Freedom Rides/ The Birmington Alabama Incident

    The freedom rides where when black people would get on these busses. Many people punctured holes in the tires, so that the busses would break down, and they could beat, or kill the freedom riders. During the Birmington Alabama Incident, Cops, and civilians attacked the protestors, even Martin Luther King was arrested.
  • James Meredith

    THe SUpremem court ordered that the University od Mississipi, or Ole' Miss must allow an African American student and veteran, named James Meredith. The governer sent state troops to keep him off campus. The event caused riots between Sept 10-Oct 1st. Kennedy eventuially sent U.S marshals to defen Meredith while he attends the University.
  • The Civil Rights Act

    On July 2nd 1964, the government enacted the Civil Rights Act. This outlawed discrimination. When it was first created it was weakly enforced, but overtime became stronger. It was signed by President Lynden Johnson
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    By the mid0 1960's the civil irights movement had succeded in convincing the federal government to end legalized segregation. This was accomplished through the acts of The Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Northenr cities still suffered from segregation.
  • The Murder of Jimmie Lee Jackson

    Jimmie Lee Jackson was trying to defend his mother and grandfather during a riot. He was knocked to the ground by state troopsers. They beat him to death. He died fighting for freedom.
  • Bloody Sunday

    This was when a march of outraged African Americans went to the governers office. This started a massacre in which many were beaten or killed.
  • Voting Rights March

    Black people marched so they could vote, as citizens of America
  • Loving v. Virginia

    An interracial couple, the Lovings, were arrrested in the stae of Virginia. THe Racial Integrity Act prohibibted interracial mairrage. The Supremem Court felt that this was unconstitutional, and disbanded the law.
  • Thurgood Marshal.

    Thurgood Marshal is elected to the supreme court. He is the first African American ever elected.
  • The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated on his motel balcony, in Memphis Tennessee. The official report is that he was killed by James Earl Ray.
  • My Sources

  • Fred Humpton

    Fred Humpton, chairman of the Illinois Black Panther Party. is shot and killed by police durin a raid. The jury refutes the notion that the police shot in defense. ALthough no one is ever convicted.