White Primary is Abolished in GA
Still in 1946, the blacks had voted in a primary election for the first time. -
White Primary is Abolished In Georgia
http://www.divms.uiowa.edu/~jones/voting/pictures/ (pic)http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/Article.jsp?id=h-3507(info)After the Civil War, the white primary in Georgia was a way to keep black people from voting.This only allowed blacks to vote in general elections, but not primary elections. While the blacks voted in the general elections their votes didn't matter because the winner had already won from the primary votes.In 1946, the white primary system was called unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in the King vs. Chapman trial. -
Integration of the Armed Forces
http://www.trumanlibrary.org/whistlestop/study_collections/desegregation/large/index.php?action=chronology (pic & info)This document was signed by President Harry S. Truman. It stated that everyone should be treated equally in the armed forces no matter what race, color, religion, origin, etc. It also created the "President's Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Forces". -
Brown vs. Board of Education
http://www.lib.umich.edu/brown-versus-board-education/(pic)http://www.infoplease.com/spot/civilrightstimeline1.html (info)Brown vs. the Board of Education was when segregation in schools became illegal. This overturned the Plessy vs. Ferguson case in 1896. This made the "seperate but equal" segregation start almost anywhere. Thurgood Marshall, a lawyer for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, won this case. -
The Murder of Emmett Till
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmett_Till (pic)http://www.infoplease.com/spot/civilrightstimeline1.html (info)When Emmett Till was visiting family in Mississippi, he had been caught whistling at a white woman. Later, the 14 year old, was kidnapped, beaten, shot to death, and dumped into the Tallahatchie River. J.W. Milam and Roy Bryant, two white men, were arrested and been called guilty by an all-white jury for murduring Till. In an interview later they braggef about them murdering Till. -
The Murder of Emmett Till
J.W. Milam and Roy Bryant, two white men, were arrested and had been called guilty by an all-white jury for murduring Till. In an interview later J.W. Milam and Roy Bryant bragged about them murdering Till. -
Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
http://www.infoplease.com/spot/civilrightstimeline1.html (info & pic)Rosa Parks was an inspiration to black people who then started bus boycotts when she was sent to prison. Rosa Parks denied giving up her seat in the colored section of a bus to a white person. The bus boycotts lasted more than a year. Desegregation of the busses began in 1956. The leader of all the boycotts was Martain Luther King Jr. -
Change to Georgia's State Flag
http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/Article.jsp?id=h-2671 (info & pic)Georgia's state flag kept the state seal on the left side of it, but changed the stripes to the Confederate "stars and bars". The flag was to honnor the centennial of the Civil War as some people said. Other people said it was to sybolize the states resitance to integration. -
Crisis at Central High School and the "Little Rock Nine"
http://www.ark-ives.com/photo/gallery/central.asp (pic & info)The crisis at Central High School started when the National Guardsmen wouldn't allow the nine students admitted to the school (the Little Rock Nine) to enter. The National Guardsmen were sent by the governor of Arkansas because he wanted the school to "keep the peace". After a Fedral court order the National Guard left and president Eisenhower sent the US Army to make sure that all black students would enter. -
Hebrew Benevolent Congregation in Atlanta Bombed
http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/Article.jsp?path=/HistoryArchaeology/SunbeltGeorgia/Places-15&id=h-1585 (info& pic)On Oct. 12 1958, the Hebrew Benevolent Congregation in Atlanta was bombed. There were 50 dynamite sticks that bombed the synaguge. This synagouge was the oldest synagouge in Atlanta. This shocked the people of the synagouge and scared them. The Governor of Atlanta gave a speech on how horrible these people were and what a horrible thing they did just because of the Hebrew religion. -
Sibley Commission
http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/Article.jsp?id=h-2617 (info & pic)The Sibley Commision was the General Assembly Committee of Schools. They gathered citizens' opinions on whether or not the government should desegregate schools. There was a report issued on ending the defiance of the peoples' not wanting the schools to desegregate. -
Albany Movement
http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/Article.jsp?id=h-1057&hl=y (info & pic)The Albany Movement started in the fall of 1961 and ended in the summer of 1962. This movement was the first to have the goal to abolish all of the segragation laws. Martain Luther King Jr. came to Albany to help the black protesters. The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) adn the SNCC (Student Nonviolent -
The Albany Movement
The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) and the SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) were also there to help. They were all arested in one week. Although, it wasn't the end of the protesting. -
Integration of UGA
http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/Article.jsp?id=h-3616 (info & pic)When Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes, two black students, enrolled into UGA one year, they were told that the living facilites were full and couldn't hold any more students. When they enrolled again the next year they were told the same thing. They went to trial and did their best to convince Judge William Bootle that they should be let in at UGA. Three weeks later, the judge came to a decision and said that C. Hunter, and H. Holmes be admitted to UGA. ... -
Integration of UGA
This ended the 160 years of the school being segregated. Adter Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes had been going to school for a little while, a mob surrounded Hunter's building where students, Ku Klux Klan members, and other people gathered and started a riot. The National Gaurd din't show up soon enough so they had to use tear gas to get the mob to leave. -
Freedom Rides (continued 1)
The FBI knew about the mobs and so did the policemen of Alabama, but they didn't do anything; they didn't even give an apology to the Freedom Riders. The mobs did this because they didn't agree with the desegragation of public places like buses, trains, etc. The Freedom Riders wanted to move on, but the busses didn't want anything to happen lik ethis again, so they flew to New Orleans. When they landed safely the Freedom Ride appeared to be over. Some Freedom Riders in Tenneessee... -
Freedom Rides (continued 2)
went back to Birmingham to end the violence and protests of blacks, but it ended in violence and the police came and arrested the Freedom RIders. When the Freedom Riders returned to Nashville, they returned to Birmingham. This went on and when the Freedom Riders were returning to Nashville there was a mob waiting. Martain Luther King Jr. went to Montgomery to hold a "mass meeting" and there was a mob outside of the church. -
Freedom Rides (continued 3)
MLK called Governor Patterson and he called the county police and the national guard. Everyone made it safely out of the church while the mob left. While most people from the Freedom Rides finally made it to New Orleans, the Riders had to spend most of their time in prison after their trial from the violence at the church. -
Freedom Rides
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5149667 (pic)http://www.watson.org/~lisa/blackhistory/civilrights-55-65/freeride.html (info)Two groups of Freedom Riders were on their way to New Orleans to celebrate the aniversary of the Brown vs. Board of Education decision. The first bus ran into trouble in Anniston, Alabama. There was a mob of 200 people who slashed the tires and stoned the bus. The bus made its way six miles before stopping to change the tires, but then burst into flames. The second bus made it to Birmingham, Alabama until they were stopped by a mob. The Freedom Riders on the second bus were beaten horribly. -
Birmingham, AL Protests
<a>http://encyclopediaofalabama.org/face/Article.jsp?id=h-1358 (info & pic)</a>In the Spring of 1963, the black communitee were protesting white supremacy in Birmingham, AL. T. Eugene "Bull" Connor was the city commisioner had a creative way of getting rid of the protesters. He used firehoses, and police dogs. Fred L. Shuttlesworth and Martin Luther King Jr. led the black activists led the black activists who agrivated the country. President John F. Kennedy proposed the Civil Rights Movement of 1964. -
Assassination of Medgar Evers
http://www.africawithin.com/bios/medgar_evers.htm (pic)http://www.infoplease.com/spot/civilrightstimeline1.html (info)Medgar Evers was a Civil Rights leader. He became a secretary for the NAACP. He had many enemies for doing his work with the Civil Rights Movement. When he was 37, Evers was murdered outside of his home by Byron De La Beckwith. He goes to trial twice, but is not found guilty. Finally, 30 years later, he is arrested for the murder of Medagr Evers. -
March on Washington D.C.
<a>http://www.infoplease.com/spot/marchonwashington.html (info & pic)</a>The March on Washinton DC was the largest march in the Capital of the US and was the first to be on television. This march was to protest freedom and jobs. The march was from DC to the Lincoln Memorial. Many police officials showed up, but weren't needed because the march is known for its civility and peacefulness. Martin Luther King Jr. made his "I Had a Dream" speech at the Lincoln Memorial. -
16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, AL Bombed
<a>http://www.k12.hi.us/~kealaint/projects/images/4girls.jpg (pic)</a><a>http://www.infoplease.com/spot/bhmjustice3.html (info)</a>16th Street Baptist Church was bombed on September 15, 1963. Four girls, Denise McNair, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson, and Addie Mae Collins, were killed, and 20 other people were injured. A demolition expert, Bobby Frank Cherry, Robert Chambliss, Thomas Blanton, and Herman Cash three white supremacists, were being investigated for the bombing of the church.J. Edgar Hoover, an FBI agent, -
16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham Bombed (continued)
didn't want to go through with the case of the bombing. The investigation stopped in 1968. In 1970, the US Justice Department found out that FBI agenget, J. Edgar Hoover had hidden evidence. Robert Chambliss was put in jail for the murder of Carol McNair, but died before he admitted that he was one of the people who bombed the church. They couldn't suspect Herman Cash becasue he died in 1994. They finally arrested Thomas Blanton and Bobby Frank Cherry in 2000 for the bombing of the church. -
John F. Kennedy Assassinated
<a>http://crimemagazine.com/taxonomy/term/4 (pic)</a><a>http://www.jfklibrary.org/JFK/JFK-in-History/November-22-1963-Death-of-the-President.aspx?p=2 (info)</a>On November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy was assassinated. The Kennedy's were in Dallas where they were tring to get the people's votes, so JFK could win in the reelection. When the car was turning off of Main Street at Dealy Plaza, a gun shot was heard. -
John F. Kennedy Assassinated
The bullet went through Kennedy's neck and head, and it also hit the governor of Texas in the chest. The car rushed to the hospital where the President was announced dead. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the murder of JFK a couple of hours before JFK was announced dead. -
The Murder of Civil Rights Workers James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, & Michael Schwerner
http://www.infoplease.com/spot/bhmjustice4.html (info & pic)James Chaney , Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner were working to register black voters in Mississippi. They were suspects for the burning of a black church. They were arrested and handed over to the KU Klux Klan at night and were beaten and murdered. The murderers were then convicted for murdering the three men. -
Civil Rights Act 1964 Passed
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964(pic)http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/history/A0858852.html (info)President Lyndon Baines Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This act made discrimination in voting, education, adn public places illegal. In 1964, only two states had about 2% of blacks enroll in integrated schools, but by 1965 th esouth had about 6% of black students enrolled in integrated schools. -
Voting Rights Act of 1965 Passed
http://www.gcsehistory.org.uk/modernworld/usa_civilrights/civilrightsacts.htm(pic)http://www.infoplease.com/spot/civilrightstimeline1.html (info)The Voting Rights Act was passed by Congress on August 10,1965. This act made the process of blacks registering to vote easier. Literacy tests, poll taxs, and other policies that were rules blacks had to follow to be able to vote were made illegal. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed this act. -
Summerhill Race Riot (Atlanta)
[https://forsyth.angellearning.com/section/content/default.asp?WCI=pgDisplay&WCU=CRSCNT&ENTRY_ID=E570588BF0F045ADA7C6E6075B1A46B1 (info & pic)](' >https://forsyth.angellearning.com/section/content/default.asp?WCI=pgDisplay&WCU=CRSCNT&ENTRY_ID=45410FBEDC974071A31A36365D847171 (info)</a><a href=')A riot broke out in 1966 in Summerhill, a neighborhood. A white police officer shot a black man, who was accused of stealing a car. Several thousand people broke out into fights. One person died and 20 other people wer injured. Mayor of Atlanta, Ivan Allen Jr., came and stood on top of the police car and asked for everyone to stop. He worked with the police to get things back to usual. -
MLK Assassinated
http://www.infoplease.com/spot/civilrightstimeline1.html (pic)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King,_Jr. (info)Matin Luther King Jr. was on his balcony outside of his hotel room in Memphis, Tennessee when James Earl Ray shot him. MLK was 39 when he died. Atlanta's Mayor Ivan Allen helped arrange MLK's funeral. President Johnson declared that the 7th of April was a national mourning day for Martin Luther King Jr. Vice President Hubert Humphrey attended the funeral. -
All Georgia Schools Integrated
<a>http://www.mystatehistory.com/georgia/ga_05/ch_12_3.pdf(pages 4&5 info)</a>In 1971, all of Georgia's schools had been integrated. In 1964, federal courts wanted all of the schools in Georgia to integrate, but after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the government wouldn't fund any of the systems that wouldn't integrate. The US Supreme Justice sued the Georgia State Board of Education because they wanted Georgia to restist funds to the systems who didn't follow the courts orders. -
All Georgia Schools Integrated
The systems then agreed to obey the government in 1971.This was when all schools (public) in Georgia were integrated. Georgia was the first state with a large population of blacks to have state wide integrated systems.