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The Civil Rights Movement and Vietnam War

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    The Civil Rights Movement

    The Civil Rights Movement was a movement that took place in America between 1954-1968. It fought for equality between races
  • The Vietnam War Starts

    The Vietnam War Starts
    On November 1st 1955 war started in Vietnam because of American intervention in the Vietnam Revolution
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    Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War was a war that took place between the years 1955 through 1975.
  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a bus

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a bus
    On December 1st 1955, Rosa Parks refuses to give her seat up on a bus causing her arrest, and also the start of the year-long Montgomery Bus Boycott
  • Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam

    Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam
    The Moratorium was a big teach-in/demonstration across America to protest the involvement of the US in the Vietnam War. Following this was the Moratorium March on Washington DC
  • The March on Washington

    The March on Washington
    On August 29th 1963, 250,000 people join to march on the Lincoln Memorial for jobs and freedom. Martin Luther delivers his famous "I Have a Dream" speech here.
  • The U.S. Enters the Vietnam War

    The U.S. Enters the Vietnam War
    In August 1964 President Johnson decided to enter the Vietnam War despite his Vice-President advising against it. This occurred to stop the spread of communism.
  • Malcolm X is assassinated

    Malcolm X is assassinated
    Malcolm X was a black Muslim Minister and a prominent figure of the Civil Rights movement. In February of 1965 Malcolm was gunned down at the Audubon Ballroom in front of his wife and kids.
  • Chicago Freedom Movement Protest

    Chicago Freedom Movement Protest
    A large protest was held in an all-white neighborhood at Marquette Park to promote open housing. The protesters were met with violence.
  • The Battle of Khe Sanh

    The Battle of Khe Sanh
    The Battle of Khe Sanh was a battle fought in 1968 in the Quảng Ti region of Vietnam. It was considered the most deadly and severe battle of the Vietnam War, and was fought over the span of 6 months.
  • Fair Housing Act Signed

    Fair Housing Act Signed
    On April 11th 1968, President Johnson signs the Fair Housing Act stating that all people regardless of religion or race will be provided fair housing opportunities
  • The War in Vietnam Ends

    The War in Vietnam Ends
    Saigon falls on April 30th, 1975, ending the Vietnam War