The Civil Rights Movement

  • End of Segregation in the Armed Forces

    End of Segregation in the Armed Forces
    Presidant Truman desegregates the armed forces
  • Brown V.s Board of Education

    Brown V.s Board of Education
    A African American Girl was denied the right to go to a school which was right near her home. Her Parents sued the Topeka school district and their case went all the way to the Supreme Court. Eventually the girl won the case to attend the Topeka School.
  • Schools Become Desegregated Under Law

    Schools Become Desegregated Under Law
    Supreme Court unanimously desides that "Seperate but Equal" is not proper in a school setting
  • Bus Boycott

    Bus Boycott
    Rosa Parks staged an act of defiance. She refused to give up her seat to a white passenger. she was arrested
  • "I Have a Dream" Speech

    "I Have a Dream" Speech
    Dr. King delivers his famous "I Have a Dream" speech at "the Mall" in Washington D.C to a quarter of a million people
  • March On Washington

    March On Washington
    People of all races gathered at the "Mall" in Washington D.C to protest against African American inequality.
  • Sixteenth Street Baptist Church Bombing

    Sixteenth Street Baptist Church Bombing
    A church which doubled as a meeting place for Civil Rights activists was bombed. Four girls were killed and 22 were injured.
  • Assasination Of Malcolm X

    Assasination Of Malcolm X
    Malcolm X was a civil rights leader like Dr. King. Howerver he believed that fire should be faught with fire; meaning that he believed that African American should attack the whites back.
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    This ended literacy tests and allowed government officials tonhelp regester voters where states continued to deny them the rights to vote
  • Assasination Of Dr. King

    Assasination Of Dr. King
    While delivering speeches in Memphis Tennesse, King was assainated by James Earl Ray. This brought devistation to many.