The civil rights movement

  • Plessy V Ferguson

    This was when a black dude went to court to fight for equality but later the Supreme Court said it can be separate but equal. This caused the the Black movement.
  • Formation of the NAACP

    This was the association for the civil rights . This was from the violence from the whites attacking African Americans so Blacks and White protesters made a association to help African Americans
  • The congress racial Equality is formed

    This was an organization to help with the African-American civil rights which had all activists like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa parks so this became big for the Civil Rights Movenment.
  • Army desegregation

    desegregation in the army was very common due to racism until Harry Truman made an executive plans to integrate the army to mix the colors
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    Brown and The Board of Education

    This was the rights for a girl to go to a white school. This made the state and government into the battle with state trying to segregate it while the government wanted the school to be desegregated. One major cause was that the government military to come in and support the girl to go to the white school. Making the government to show that they were stronger than states
  • Montgomery Boycotts

    The Boycott was sparked by the refusal from rosa park to move seats for a white person so then it started protest from everyone
  • The Murder of Emmitt Till

    He was reported to be flirting with a cashier in Mississippi so 2 days later that night 2 white people murder him.
  • SCLC

    This started when the Montgomery bus boycott started to happen The leader of the group was Martin Luther King Junior. which started many things that helped the civil rights movement.
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    Little Rock Nine

    This was when the state wanted the nine black people wanted to go to a all-white school so the state tried to stop the government from trying to let the blacks go but the government end up winning for both federalism and integration
  • Sit-Ins

    Sit in was a strategy to desegregate restaurants by sitting on the white side of the dining forcing the restaurant to let them eat there making it a victory for the black movement.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom riders were people from the north to try to desegregate the south by having buses of desegregated people ride in the south which was very dangerous but later on ended up having the buses desegregated.
  • MLK "I have a dream speech"

    MLK "I have a dream speech"
    This Speech by Martin had a big impact on everyone both whites and blacks with everyone starting to believe that they could have equality.
  • Malcolm X

    Malcolm X was an American minister that fought for the Black people to be more superior than whites.
  • freedom summer

    This was a way to start a series of protest because of how blacks were being treated from them not even available to vote but by protesting they were able to do it.
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    Civil Rights Act of 1964

    This was a big step that made it illegal for people to discriminate people for their color race or anything to be biased to. This was a big landmark for the Black Movement.
  • The Voting Rights Act of 1965

    This was when blacks fought for the rights to vote which congress passed again the right for blacks to vote
  • Watts Riots

    This was when a police took a black person to jail because he failed a drunk driving test. This caused a angry crowds to throw rocks at the police causing a ton of fighting
  • Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee

    This organization was formed when the freedom rides the marches were organized by Martin Luther King Jr. This was a way to form to desegregate the schools to have them mixed.
  • MLK assassination

    After a long day of marching, Martin stopped at a hotel which later that night he was shot which was shocking to everyone that hurt everyone that followed him.
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    Boston Busing

    This is where we the people desegregation between whites and blacks. This was under control by the courts to desegregate between whites and blacks to intergrate together
  • Rodney King Trial

    There were 4 officers that were accused of excessive force on a black motorist. There was an argument from Rodney going to jail with excessive force