Morgan v. Virginia
The court ruked that segregation in interstate buses was unconstitutional. -
Sweatt v. Painter
The court ruled that it state law schools had to admit qualified African American Applicants, even if parallel black schools existed. -
Brown v. Board of Education
Linda Brown was denied admission to her neighborhood school in Kansas. the court ruled that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional and violated the equal protection claus of the fourteenth amendment. -
Taking a Stand
Rosa Parks refuses to to give uo her seat on the bus on he way home from work. Parks was taken into custody. -
Southern leadership conference
Martin Luther king jr established this in 1957 to attepmt to eliminate segregation from american society and to encourage african americans to register to vote. -
Civil rights act of 1957
The first civil rights law passed since the reconstrution. It was intended to protect the right of african americans to vote. -
Crisis In Litte Rock
The school board won a court requiring htat 9 african american students be admitted to Central High school, a school with 2,000white students. military support was required. -
Marion Barry
An early leader of the SNCC, who later served as mayor of Washington, DC -
Student nonviolent Coordinating Comitte (SNCC)
Played a key role role in desegregating public facilities in dozen of southern committes. also began sending volunteers into rural areas of the deep south to register african americans to vote. -
Voting Rights Act of !965
authorized the Us attorney general to send federal examiners to register qualified voters, bypassing local law officials who often refused to register african Americans. Also suspended discriminatory devices, such a literacy tests, in counties where less than half of all aduts had been registered to vote. -
Martin Luther King, jr.
He was an american clergyman, activist, and prominent leader of the African-american Civil rights movement. He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights in the US and around the world. -
James Meredith
an African American who tried to register at the University of Mississippi. City riots force kennedy to send troops.