Jackie Robinson joins the Dodgers
with amazing skills in base ball Jackie Robinson broke down the racial segregation in the MLB and became the first Black baseball player in the MLB. This was one of the first Civil rights movement that stated to take place and would give a push for civil rights in the later years of MLK and Rosa Parks. -
Period: to
Civil Rights Era
This is the Civil Rights era, that was fought for equality in the 1950's and 1960's. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
In Montgomery, Alabama, an African American women named Rosa Parks was arrested for not giveing up her seat to a white person. In December of 1956 the federal ruling Browder v. Gayle, took effect and lead to a US Supreme Court decision that declared that Alabama and Montfomery laws requiring segregated buses to be unconstitutional. -
little rock crisis
The little rock nine were a group of african americans that were inrolled in to a segregated school and stoped by the Governor of Arkansas, until president Eisenhower helped them in. The US Sepreme Court in the Brown v. Board of Education decleared that segregated schools were unconstitutional. -
Freedom Riders
Inspired by the Journey of Reconcilliation, the Freedom Riders were Civil Rights Activists that rode bus into the segregated southern US. In Birmingham,Alabama a group of KKK members attacked a freedom rider bus by slashing the tires and then seting it on fire. This would cause panic in the south. -
Letter from Birmingham Jail
Writen by MLK It was an open letter that defends the strategy of nonviolent resistance to racism, and stating that people have a moral responsibility to break unjust laws. This would later become an important text later in the civil rights movment in the 1960's -
March on Washington
Thousands of Americans headed to washington, this was one of the largest political rallies for human rights in US history. On Auguest 28th MLK gave he's famous i have a dream speech. This march gave a push for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. -
24th Amendment passes
The 24th Amendment prohibits poll taxes. this means that now anyone that is poor can vote in any election for federal officials with out paying taxes. So low income citizens have equal power in elections, -
Murder in Mississippi
Three American Civil Rights workers,James Earl Chavey, Andrew Goodman, Michael"Mickey" Schwerner, were Shot in close range bye the Ku Klux Klan in Mississippi. This would cause a National outrage that would secure 7 convictions,but with only minor sentences. Inreturn it would help pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Signed by President Lyndon B. Johnston, with would guarantee that all citiziens equal protection under the 14th and 15th Amendment. It banned the use of different voter regisration standers for both blacks and whites and prohibited discrimination in public accommodations. -
Mlk Assassinated
Martin Luther King, JR,At a motel in Memphis, Tennessee. was assassinated by James Earl Ray. With the Death of MLK the otherblack leader agued the need to follow King's tradition of nonviolence.