The Chocolate Wars

  • Published

    The day The Choclate Wars was published.
  • Challenged in York County, Virginia

    Challenged in York County, Virginia
    The book was challenged in York County in winter of 2001, for explicit language and pornagraphic scenes.
  • 2002

    In the Fall of 2002, the book was challenged for profanity, scenes of masturbation, and sexual fantasies, aswell as parts that were degrating to girls.
  • 2003

    In the Spring of 2003, it was challenged in fair facts and profanity and drug abuse.
  • 2005

    In the Fall of 2005, it was challeged for sexual content, offensive language, religious viewpoint, and bein unsuited to age group and violence.
  • 2006

    In the fall of 2006, it was challenged for sexual content and offensive language.
  • 2008

    In the winter of 2008, it was initally removed from Harford county due to vulgar language and bullying.