The Chinese

  • 300 BCE

    The Compass

    The Compass
    In the 3rd century B.C.E, Chinese sailors made a tool used for finding direction with some water, cork, and a needle made from a special metal called lodestone. Metal will always point to the north
  • 200 BCE


    Steel is less brittle then iron and easier to bend. It's also stronger.
  • Period: 200 to 1400

    The span for these inventions

  • 300


    The Chinese made paper in the late second century and it is still used to day in many many things.
  • 618

    A segmental arch bridge

    A segmental arch bridge
    In 618 a Chinese engineer made a new type of arch bridge which allowed for a smoother way over rivers, less material, and a stronger bridge.
  • 800


    There's no exact date by somewhere in the 7th century with the invention of paper came something called printing. But printing was mainly used for art.
  • 850

    Gun Powder

    Gun Powder
    Gunpowder was made by alchemists who were trying to find a way to become immortal
  • 900


    Tea was made in 2700 B.C but it wasn't used the way that we use it today until 8th century. Tea is just tea leaves boiled in hot water until it makes one of the best things known to man
  • 1100


    Porcelain is just clay with other materials to give it a neat texture. It's made like any other clay bowl or vase.
  • 1300

    Rocket Tech

    Rocket Tech
    During the Song dynasty, rockets were made but were only used for fireworks used for like parades and stuff, it wasn't till a while that someone made them into weapons. 1300 comes around and most of asia and europe were using them.