The changing role of women in China

  • 690

    The first female emperor in Chinese history

    The first female emperor in Chinese history
    In Tang dynasty, after the death of the second husband Tang Gaozong, Wu Zetian as an agent for her husband, and participated politics. She was both ruthless toward her adversaries and compassionate toward her peasants. Thus, under her peasants' asking, she became the first and only female emperor.
  • Period: 690 to

    The changing role of women in China

    The changing role of women from Song dynasty(690) to the establishment of The People's Republic Of China(1949).
  • 960

    Culture of traditional foot-binding

    Culture of traditional foot-binding
    Foot-binding became a mark of beauty and were also a prerequisite for finding a husband during Song Dynasty. Women who had small feet would be very proud of themselves by comparing with other women, and because of the small feet, women will walk more slowly, their walking posture was also considered very elegant and graceful. Some lower-class families will bind feet of their daughters since 13 years old, thus they can marry into the home of rich. 
  • The Arranged marriage of China

    The Arranged marriage of China
    An arranged marriage was accomplished by a matchmaker who acted as a link between two families.The arrangement of a marriage involved the negotiation of a bride price, gifts to be bestowed to the bride's family, and occasionally a dowry of clothing, furniture, or jewellery from the family of the bride for use in her new home.Meanwhile, women were just regarded as the appendages of the husband and must obey the orders from the husband and his relatives.
  • Women were frowned upon if gave birth to a girl

    Women were frowned upon if gave birth to a girl
    It's a traditional Chinese concept that boys are thought to be able to inherit the family business, but the daughter is only a burden.
  • Foot-binding banned

    Foot-binding banned
    Following the fall of the Qing dynasty and the end of imperial rule, the Republican government officially outlawed the foot-binding
  • Women's right to divorce husband

    Women's right to divorce husband
    After the establishment of the People's Republic in 1949, the People's Republic of China established the Marriage Law of 1950. According to Marriage Law, polygamy was not allowed anymore, the law also explicitly provided for lawful divorces, women were permitted to divorce their husbands and many did.
  • Women(girls) allowed to attend school

    Women(girls) allowed to attend school
    After the establishment of The Republic Of China in 1949, the percentage of girls attending school jumped from about 20% to over 96%.
  • One-Child Policy

    One-Child Policy
    The policy was published for population control. One family can only have one child. If the first child was girl or disabled, the mother would choose to have a miscarriage.
  • Employment

    In 1995, the government stated that the realization of the equality of men and women is a basic national policy to promote social development in China. According to statistics, China had 2.13 million women workers in the 1950s, accounting for 11.68 percent of the total; in 1997 there were 57.45 million women workers, accounting for 38.7 percent of the total.
  • Abolition of One-Child Policy

    Abolition of One-Child Policy
    The reason China is doing this right now is because they have too many men, too many old people, and too few young people. They have this huge crushing demographic crisis as a result of the one-child policy. And if people don't start having more children, they're going to have a vastly diminished workforce to support a huge aging population."