Custody of Children Act
Frances Mary Buss founded the North London Collegiate School for Ladies
Matrimonial Causes Act
Sewing Machine invented
Dorothea Beale became principle of Cheltenham Ladies College
Period: to
The Changing Role of Women: 1860-1930
1st Contagious Diseases Act
Schools Enquiry Commission set up to investiagate the education of children from MC homes
JS Mill elected as an MP
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson becomes the first women on the British Medical Register
Formation of Kensington Society
2nd Contagious Diseases Act
Women's Suffrage Committee founded in London
Manchester Society for Women's Suffrage Founded
Lydia Becker as secretary. -
Reform Act
Vote for working class men -
2nd Reform Act
Agricultural Gangs Act
Lily Maxwell and 9 others women vote in general election
3rd Contagious Diseases Act
Josephine Butler forms the Ladies National Association
Municiple Franchise Act
Unmarried women ratepayers can vote in municiple ellections. -
First women's college at Cambridge University founded in Hitchin
Education Act
Every child could have access to elementary education -
First Married Women's Property Act
Education Act
Women ratepayers can vote for, and serve on new school boards. -
R Pankhurst introduces first private members suffrage bill to parliment
Forster's Education Act provides a dual system with state and volentary schools
Newnham College, Cambridge, founded
National Society for Women's suffrage combines local women's suffrage groups
Second Custody of Infants Act
Factory Act
First woman elected to serve on Poor Law Boards
Women make up more than 50% of all elementary school teachers
Emma Paterson founds the Women's Protective and Provident League
Sandon's Act, penalised parents who kept their children away fom school
Enabling Bill: medical corporations had to admit women to their examinations
Factory and Workshop Act
Elementary Education Made compulsory
Mundella's Act made education compulsory for children under 13
Johnson Case
A man cannot compel a wife to live with him -
First Women's Libera Association formed in Bristol
Invention of typewriter
Greater job oppertunities for women -
Second Married Women's Propety Act
Primrose League established
Reform Act
Gave vote to every 2/3 men -
Women aquire indipendant legal status
Age of consent raised from 13 to 16
Married Women Act
Maintenance in case of desertion Act -
Guardianship of Infants Act
Repeal of CDA's
Women's Liberal Foundation Established
Contagious Diseases Act Suspended
Annie Besant organises the first strike at Bryant and May's match factory
Formation of Women's Suffrage League with Emmeline Pankhurst as leader
An Appeal against female suffrage
Sugned by over 100 mostly titled women -
Elementary education free and compulsory up to age 12
Women make up 59% workers in clothing trade
Government made education free in elementary schools
St Hilda's College, Oxford founded
School leaving age: 11
School leaving age 11
Women allowed to become factory inspectors
Local Government Act
Married Women can vote in local elections and allowed women to stand for election as municiple councillors -
Local Gov Act
Factory Act
Children under 11 banned from employment -
Women are not allowed to be employed 4 weeks after giving birth
Faithful Begg present a women's suffrage bill to parliment
NUWSS formed with Milicent Fawcett as president
School leaving age: 12
School leaving age 12
Factory Act
Reduces by an hour a day how much women can work -
Scholarships established
Poorer children could go to secondary school -
Balfour's Act
Local education authorities take over education from school boards -
WSPU established
Christabel Pankhurst and Annie Kenney arrested for causing a disturbance
Equirery into women's work by Edward Cadbury
Shows women believe they should earn less for doing the same job as men -
WSPU moved to London!
Daily Mail nicknames WSPU members "suffragettes"
Liberal Party Won Landslide election victory
Free schoolmeals for poor children
Votes for women founded
Charlotte Despard and Teresa Billington Grey expelled from WSPU
Free medical insepctions introdced for children of the poor
Free places in secondary schools available for children of the poor
First window smashing
Women chained themselves to railings for the first time
"Women's Sunday" organised by WSPU
Beginning or organised heckling of cabinet ministers
Women's suffrage Bill carried by 179 votes
Force feeding introduced
2nd Reading of Electoral reform bill banned from Liberal meetings
Trade Boards Act
Fewer than 10% married women in paid employment
"Black Friday"
Concilliation bill carried by 139 votes
"March of the Women" composed by Ethel Smyth
May: second concilliation bill debated
November: Second Concilliation Bill Failiure
Emmeline and Frederick Pethick-Lawrence expelled from WSPU
Emmeline Pankhurst makes a speech urging greater militancy
Third Concilliation bill failed at 2nd reading
Emily Davidson dies at Epsom Derby
Amendment to franchise bill ruled out by Speaker
'The Prisoners Termporary Discharge for Ill-Health Act' (Cat and Mouse)
Shop Acts
64 hour working week for shop work -
Sylvia Pankhurst expelled from WSPU
March: Government closes Galleries because Rokeby Venus slashed by suffragette
August: Britain declares was or Germany
August: WSPU suspend Millitancy
World War offers new opportunities for women
Coalition Gov set up
War register set up
Right to Work march
David Lloyd George become PM
Speaker's Conference Set Up
Women over the age of 30 given the vote
Constance Markiewicz elected to parliment
Fisher's Act raised school leaving age to 14
November: War ends
Sex disqualification act
Nancy Astor becomes first women MP to take her seat
Sex Disqualification Removal Act
Pre-War Practises Act
Married women's property act extended to Scotland
Married Women's Maintenance Act
Infanticide Act
Matrimonial Causes Act
Bastardy Act
The Widows, Orphans and Old Age Contributory Pensions Act
Guardianship of Infants Act
Equal sufferage for men and women over 21
Introduction of the telephone
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