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The Changes in Transportation

  • The Introducing of the Steamboat

    The Introducing of the Steamboat
    Robert Fulton and Robert Livingston introduced the first steamboat. It was known as the Clermont, on the Hudson River. Steamboats soon became the popular mode of water transportation.
  • Building of New Canals

    Building of New Canals
    They needed canals to form a connection between the Mississippi-Ohio waterways witht the Great Lakes. The first canal project was the Erie Canal that extended 363 miles. The growing of the canals system linked a major trading and manufacturing centers of the nation.
  • Increase in Number of Steamboats

    Increase in Number of Steamboats
    Between 1817 to 1820 the number of steamboats increased from 17 to 69 in America. By 1855 the number had reached 727. With the increase in steamboats it became necessary method of trade.
  • The Beginning to the Railroads

    The Beginning to the Railroads
    The need for steamboats decreased causing a need for something different, faster. By this time many tracks were being built so trade could start. The railroads were faster, cheaper, and had a greater range than canals.
  • Railroads

    Railroads made trade and transportation a lot quicker than steamboats did. They became just as popular as steamboats due to how much more they could do. Railroads could be used at any time of the year which was a major advantage.