
The causes Of the Revolution war

  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    The French and Indian war started in 1745 and ended in 1762. it was part of the seven years war between French and great Britain. Britain won and that caused many acts like the stamp act that made people pay extra money on paper documents. It started the stamp act on 1765. The French and Indian war left the colonists knee deep in debt
  • stamp

    The French and Indian war started in 1745 and ended in 1762. it was part of the seven years war between French and great Britain. Britain won and that caused many acts like the stamp act that made people pay extra money on paper documents. It started the stamp act on 1765. The French and Indian war left the colonists knee deep in debt
  • town

    Then two years after they took back the stamp act they still needed money for the troops. So England decided to tax them on many house hold items. They sent agents from England to collect so they will know when the rebellion starts. This really made the colonists mad. They did what they could, but 3 years later they took back this tax too.
  • tea party

    tea party
    The Boston tea party was a big blow on the tax on tea. This act taxed all the tea from England. Then one night the colonists decided to do something. They disguised themselves as Indians. Then under the moon they cut the boxes of tea and toss it into the sea.
  • speech

    Then came the biggest act ever. The colonists were desperate. Then Patrick Henry gave a big speech. This speech is very important to the revolution. He told them to give them liberty or give them death.