The Missouri Compromise 1
The Missouri Compromise was signed on March 3, 1820. Henry Clay, who made the compromise, Maine, Missouri, and the government of the United States of America. Missouri wanted to be admitted into the country as a “slave state”, but that would make Congress unbalanced, so, the Missouri Compromise was put into place. As Maine wanted to be admitted into the country as a “free state”, which would prohibit slavery, both were admitted to make Congress balanced. -
The Missouri Compromise 3
This event took place in the United States of America, dealing with the government of the country, Missouri, and Maine. This event took place as Missouri wanted to be admitted as a “slave state” but that would make Congress unbalanced. As a result, a compromise was needed that would make both sides, satisfied. This event impacted history as it showed how arguments with different parts of the country with different interests separated the country. -
The Missouri Compromise 4
The cause was that Missouri wanted to be admitted as a”slave state”, but this would make Congress unbalanced, a compromise was needed. The effect was that Missouri was admitted into the country as a “slave state” and Maine was admitted as a “free state”. The North of the southern border of Missouri would be free slavery. This would show how these arguments divided the country. -
The Missouri Compromise 2
Also, it made the territory North of the Southern border of Missouri all free, without slavery, and it made “fugitive” slaves to able to be captured by southern slave owners and brought back to the horrors of slavery. Although, the south was still angry that Congress gave itself the power to make laws regarding slavery and Northerners were angry that one other “slave state” was admitted into the country. -
Period: to
The Causes of the Civil War
Wilmot Proviso 1
The Wilmot Proviso was suggested on August 8, 1846. This event involved David Wilmot, who suggested the bill, the House of Representatives and the Congress of the United States, who determined if the bill would pass, and the North and south of the United States of America. David Wilmot suggested a bill that would ban slavery in all of the territory gained the United States from the Mexican Cession would be free of slavery. -
Wilmot Proviso 2
This bill passed the House of Representatives, but it did not pass the Senate. Although the bill was not passed, the south still thought that it was the North’s way of trying to remove slavery, and they got angry. This event took place about the new territory of the United States from the Mexican Cession, with the North and south of the country, and the House of Representatives and the Senate. This event took place as an attempt to organize the new territory from the Mexican Cession. -
Wilmot Proviso 3
This event impacted history as it got the south angry and made the country closer to war. The cause of this event was the need for an organization for the new territory of the country from the Mexican Cession. The effect of this event was making the south angry by them thinking that the North was attacking slavery and bringing the country closer to war. -
The Compromise of 1850 1
This compromise was signed on January 29, 1850. This event involved Henry Clay, who made the compromise, and the Congress of the country. In the compromise of 1850, California would enter the country as a “free” state, slavery in the New Mexico and Utah territories would be decided by popular sovereignty, a very strict and an even more terrible “fugitive slave law” would be put into place. -
The Compromise of 1850 3
This event impacted history as it made the North angry as they were required ro help “capture” slaves that had escaped, even though they did not. The cause was a need for organization for the New Mexico and Utah territories and California wanted to join the country, a compromise was needed that would satisfy both sides. The effect of this event was that the North was angry and the country was closer to war. -
The Compromise of 1850 2
Also, there would not be the slave trade in Washington D.C., but the horrors of slavery still remained. This event took place in California, the New Mexico and Utah territories, Washington D.C., the south and the North of the country, and the Congress of the country. This event took place as organization was needed for the New Mexico and Utah Territories, and California wanted to join the country, a compromise was needed that would satisfy both sides. -
The Fugitive Slave Act 1
This act was made on September 18, 1850. “Fugitive slaves”, the North, the south, and Senator Calhoun, who made the law, were involved in this law. To make the south satisfied, this new very strict law was put into place. This law would require Northerners to bring back the slaves who had escaped into the North into slavery. Although it was required by law, most Northerners did not help bring back the slaves into slavery, they usually tried to hide and help them. -
The Fugitive Slave Act 2
In this law, officials were able to determine that an African American, even if they were free, was a slave and had escaped and was needed to be brought back to slavery just if someone said that they were, the slaves who were suspected were not given the right to a trial, which is against the Constitution of the United States. -
The Fugitive Slave Act 3
Although the law was made to help convince Northerners that slave owners should be allowed a right to the enslaved people, which they considered as their “property”, Northerners were against the law and helped the enslaved people. This event took place in the Congress of the country, the North of the country, the south of the country, and Canada where some Northerners took slaves to help them be free.. -
The Fugitive Slave Act 4
This event was a part of the Compromise of 1850 and was meant to satisfy the south, to keep things balanced, as the North got land where there was not slavery, and other things that satisfied the North.This event impacted history as it made the tensions with the North and the south of the country stronger as the North was unsatisfied with how they were forced to help bring back enslaved people into slavery, and the south was angry with the North that they did not follow the law. -
The Fugitive Slave Act 5
The cause if this event was a need for balance in the compromise of 1850, towards the south. The effect was that it made the North and the south angry. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin 2
The North found the book helpful as it helped support their views, people changed their opinions about slavery after reading this book, now wanting to remove slavery, and the south saw it as propaganda and not true, though it was. This event took place in the home of Harriet Beecher Stowe, where she met with previously enslaved people and talked with them, throughout the entire country, and later, more countries. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin 3
This event took place as Harriet Beecher Stowe was astonished by the experiences she had heard about while talking to previously enslaved people and she wanted to reveal these experiences and the horrors of slavery and convince people that slavery should be removed, which it should. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin 4
This event impacted history as many people changed their minds about slavery, making the removal of slavery likely, it supported the North’s views, but it also strengthened the tensions with the North and the south, as the south saw it as untrue propaganda. The cause of this event was a need to reveal and explain the horrors of slavery. The effect of this was changing many minds, making them now want to remove slavery, supporting the North in their cause, and making the south angry. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin 1
Uncle Tom’s Cabin was published March 20, 1852. This event included Harriet Beecher Stowe, who wrote the book, the enslaved people she talked to, which inspired Stowe to write the book, the north, and the south. Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote the book to explain and reveal the true horrors of slavery, based on real life experiences that people had that she talked with, to try to convince people to go against slavery. -
The Kansas and Nebraska Act 1
May 30, 1854. Stephen Douglas, who made the act, the North, and south. Stephen Douglas wanted to make slavery in the Kansas and Nebraska territories be decided by popular sovereignty, this act passed and was put into place on 1854. As Missouri, a “slave state”, was very close to Kansas and many other Northern and southern states were surrounding Kansas, many people moved to Kansas to make the popular vote of their opinion for slavery, some even voted from outside of Kansas. -
The Kansas and Nebraska Act 2
As a result of this conflict in one area, much violence occurred with the North and the south. Two separate governments were made in Kansas, one for the North, who did not want slavery, and one for the south, who wanted slavery. In Congress, as people were trying to figure the situation out, many arguments; and even some violence occurred during these controversial debates. This event took place in Kansas, the places from where people moved to Kansas, and the Congress of the United States. -
The Kansas and Nebraska Act 3
The reason for the act being made was that Stephen Douglas wanted the land to the West of Illinois to be better for use. The violence in Kansas, and some in Congress, took place as a result of the controversy in Kansas with the North and the south, each with very different views on slavery, and each trying to get their popular vote in Kansas. -
The Kansas and Nebraska Act 4
This event impacted history as it made the North angry and unsatisfied with the chance of there being more area that could have slavery, making the country even closer to war. The cause of this violence was from the North and the south wanting to get the popular vote in Kansas. The effect of this was dissatisfaction from the North with the chance of there being more area with slavery. -
Dred Scott Case 1
The court decision was made March 6, 1857. Dred Scott, the previous enslaved person of Dr. Emerson, Robert G. Taney, the judge of the case, and the United States Supreme Court. In this event, Dred Scott wanted freedom from his owner as the areas above the Missouri Compromise line were “free” of slavery, it was not allowed. Dred Scott wanted to sue the owner. This was taken to the United States Supreme Court as the topic was very controversial. -
Dred Scott Case 4
This event took place as Dred Scott wanted his freedom from the “owner” as it should have of rightfully been given by the Missouri Compromise, making anything above the line made by it “free” of slavery. This caused Dred Scott to believe that he had the right to be “free”, but the judge said that because of his skin color he would not get those rights. -
Dred Scott Case 5
This event impacted history as it made that every territory could have slavery until they became states and also made slavery in territories to remain, unaffected by the attempts to remove it by the Congress of the country. These were both caused by Taney’s ruling in the Dred Scott case. Also, with the North very dissatisfied by the decision, the North was very angry. -
Dred Scott Case 6
The cause of this event was that Dred Scott wanted to grant his rights to be “free”, as he rightfully should have as he lived above the Missouri Compromise line, which made anything above it without slavery. This was taken to the Supreme court where Robert G. Taney would make the ruling. -
Dred Scott Case 7
The effects of this event was that every territory could have slavery until it was a state and that slavery could not be removed by the Congress of the country in any territories, both caused by Taney’s ruling in the Dred Scott case. The dissatisfaction in the North was also caused by this and brought the country closer to war. -
Dred Scott Case 2
In the end, it was decided by Robert G. Taney that even though he lived in a “free area”, Dred Scott was not allowed the rights of a citizen, such as suing, of the country as he was previously enslaved and was still considered “property” and the owner still had “rights to him”. Also, Taney said that the areas in which Dred Scott had lived in would be able to make decisions when they become states, they could not be territories. This was a very important decision. -
Dred Scott Case 3
This meant that slavery would be allowed in all of the territories that were not states yet. Taney had also said slavery could not be taken away by the Congress of the country in any territories. The North was against this decision and was very afraid about how slavery might increase. The south was very happy and satisfied with much more land with slavery. This event took place in the “free” areas where Dred Scott lived, and the Supreme court of the country. -
Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas Debate 1
August 21, 1858. This event involved Abraham Lincoln, Stephen Douglas, and the Senate of the country. In this event, Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas both wanted the Senate seat in the Senate. -
Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas Debate 3
In the end, Stephen Douglas was given the position in the Senate. Although Abraham Lincoln did not get the Senate seat, many people knew what Lincoln’s thoughts and views are after this, making him widely noticed. This event took place in the Senate of the country, where the debates with Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas took place. After the Kansas and Nebraska Act, which made even more area able to have slavery, Abraham Lincoln realized that his opinion should be heard. -
Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas Debate 4
Lincoln tried to get a position in the Senate of the country, but Stephen Douglas also wanted to. This event impacted history as with the debates with Stephen Douglas, Abraham Lincoln had his opinions heard, making his presidency more likely to happen. The cause of this event was that Abraham Lincoln wanted his opinions to be shared after the seeing the effects of the Kansas and Nebraska Act. -
Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas Debate 5
As a result, he tried to get a position in the Senate of the country, but Stephen Douglas was also trying at that time and they had different views. In the end, Stephen Douglas got the position. Even though that Stephen Douglas got the position in the Senate of the country instead of Abraham Lincoln, though Lincoln still got his opinions and views shared with the country, making him more likely to become the great president that he would be eventually. -
Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas Debate 2
As a result, they both shared their views and debated. Lincoln explained how he was a Republican, thought that slavery was completely wrong, that everyone who lives in the country should get the rights that are in the laws of the country, including African-Americans, and that slavery should not be brought into any of the new territories. In contrast, Stephen Douglas thought that popular sovereignty should be used to decide whether or not a place wants slavery. -
John Brown's Raid 2
As a result, John Brown had planned to form a rebellion against slavery, gathering enslaved people willing to fight for freedom from slavery in people in the south. They revolted in Harper’s Ferry in Virginia. This attack had resulted in ten of the followers of John Brown passing away and John Brown being hanged after committing murder and treason. -
John Brown's Raid 1
October 16 to October 18, 1859. This event involved John Brown, the enslaved people he planned to make a slavery rebellion with, and Colonel Robert E. Lee, who captured John Brown. As John Brown was an abolitionist, he wanted to remove slavery, and he thought that the Bible had instructed him to help people who were disadvantaged, such as being enslaved. John Brown thought that slavery needed to abolished by whatever means necessary, even if it needed violence. -
John Brown's Raid 3
The south viewed this as one other example of the North trying to harm the lives of southern people, while the North respected John Brown’s actions and were sad for his punishment. This event took place in Harper’s Ferry in Virginia. This event took place as a result of the views of John Brown, that violence needed to be taken against slavery if it came to that. -
John Brown's Raid 4
This event impacted history as it made the tensions with the North and the south stronger, with the south thinking that the North was trying to ruin their lives. The cause of this event was John Brown’s views about how slavery should be dealt with and the effect was strengthened tensions with the North and the south. -
Abraham Lincoln's Election of 1860 1
November 6, 1860. This event involves Abraham Lincoln, Stephen Douglas, John Breckinridge, John Bell, these were the candidates for the election, the electoral votes, and the other voters, who decided who was elected. In this event, there was an election with the four candidates. Abraham Lincoln, a Republican who already had his opinions and views heard in the debate with Stephen Douglas, is strongly against slavery, and thinks that the new territories should not have it. -
Abraham Lincoln's Election of 1860 6
The effect of this was Abraham Lincoln being elected with his views that strongly are against slavery, which would change his actions. -
Abraham Lincoln's Election of 1860 2
Stephen Douglas thought that every state should decide on slavery with popular sovereignty, he is a Northern Democrat. John Breckinridge, a Southern Democrat, thought that there should be slavery in the new territories. Finally, John Bell, a part of the Constitutional Union Party, tried to keep slavery in the country and tried to keep every state part of the country. Each candidate represented the views of their political party. -
Abraham Lincoln's Election of 1860 3
In the end, Abraham Lincoln was elected as the president, with the popular vote from every state that did not have slavery and the right amount of electoral votes. John Breckinridge got the popular vote in most of the states that had slavery. John Bell had the popular vote in three states of the south which were more Northern. Stephen Douglas got the popular vote in Missouri. -
Abraham Lincoln's Election of 1860 4
This event took place in all of the states, where people made their votes, and in Washington D.C. where the inauguration was held. This event took place as a president was needed for the country, but the Democratic Party was divided and other parties were made, each choosing different people to represent the party and each with different views about the issue of slavery. -
Abraham Lincoln's Election of 1860 5
As each candidate would handle the issue of slavery differently, the events that came after might have been different if one other candidate was elected. Also, Lincoln’s views might not have been agreed with everywhere, mostly in the south. The cause of this widely divided election was as a result of many different views on the issue of slavery, along with a need for a president for the country. -
Secession of the south 2
Jefferson Davis was made the president of this country and a constitution was also made. Abraham Lincoln wanted the Confederate States of America to rejoin the United States of America in response to this. The Confederate States of America captured land in the area of the United States of America. Also, during the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter, the commander of the fort would not give up against the Confederates, this took place in South Carolina. -
Secession of the south 1
The first state to secede was South Carolina. December 20, 1860. This event involved the states that seceded from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America. In this event, southern states were angry that Abraham Lincoln was elected and thought that their views were not cared about in the country. As a result, South Carolina seceded from the United States, along with six other states that agreed with South Carolina. -
Secession of the south 4
Also, Washington D.C., where Abraham Lincoln made the decisions, and Fort Sumter, which was called the first battle of the Civil War of the United States. This event took place as southern states were angry that Abraham Lincoln was elected as the president and thought that the country did not care about them. This event impacted history as it started the long, terrible war that would follow for the next four, terrible years. -
Secession of the south 5
The cause of this event was southern states getting angry from Abraham Lincoln being elected, causing them to secede. The effect of this event was starting a terrible war that would last for a horrible four years. -
Secession of the south 3
The Confederates tried to defeat them by trying to make them starve, but Abraham Lincoln sent ships with food, although in an action of prevention of other states from leaving, no weapons were sent. Eventually, the United States of America had surrendered to the Confederate states of America as confederates were sent to capture Fort Sumter. This event took place in South Carolina, Texas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, the states that seceded from the United States.