The Causes and Consequences of WWI

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  • Germany's Unification

    Germany's Unification
    Germany got unified in 1871. They were placed third in the scramble for colonies, so they were plotting to bounce back from that.
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    Germany Surpasses Britain in becoming Europe’s leading industrial power.

    Power got shifted drastically and Germany made their comeback from the previous years in colonialization.
  • Serbia's Independence

    Serbia's Independence
    Serbia gained independence from the Ottoman Empire. In addition to that, Austria-Hungary was put in charge of Bosnia-Herzegovina. This influenced Russia to become closer to Serbia and eventually become its protector.
  • The Quest To Protect Germany

    The Quest To Protect Germany
    Otto von Bismarck was concerned with Germany's safety from France and Russia. He prevented conflicts with Russia by making the Three Emperors' Alliance with Russia and Austria-Hungary.
  • Triple Alliance

    Triple Alliance
    Germany also closed off France's possible allies by forming an alliance with Italy and Austria-Hungary called the Triple Alliance. This was mainly made to protect Germany from France.
  • A New Era For Germany

    A New Era For Germany
    The Three Emperors' Alliance fell apart due to issues between Austria-Hungary and Russia. However, Bismarck did keep preventing French control by forming a sub alliance with Russia called the Reinsurance Treaty. Not long after, Kaiser Wilhelm II took over the rule of Germany. His goal was to improve Germany and expand their empire overseas.
  • France Makes A Comeback

    The Reinsurance Treaty expired which caused more issues between Russia and Germany. So to use this new fallen alliance as their advantage, France formed an alliance with Russia.
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    Russo-Japanese War

    Japan and Russia go to war, fighting for control over Asia. In the end the underdog, Japan was victorious. After a painful loss, Russia wanted to refocus on European ventures.
  • Russia’s Trans-Siberian Railroad

    Russia’s Trans-Siberian Railroad was built and made for the first connection of Europe and Asia.
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    Rivalry Between Nations

    Russia and Japan were at each other's necks trying to claim control of Manchuria and Korea. In the end, neither of them got Manchuria and Japan remained in control of Korea. Neither was particularly pleased with the situation.
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    America's Control On Latin America

    The US wanted to take charge of Latin American nations that couldn't handle the number of affairs they had. This also prevented Europe from gaining any sort of control over Latin America.
  • Triple Entente

    Triple Entente
    There was a growing concern about Germany's rapidly increasing power. Britain in particular grew more and more worried about their security. So, they join France and Russia in the Triple Entente.
  • Usage of Poison Gas

    Usage of Poison Gas
    Germany started using poison gas because they wanted to scare other troops from their base.
  • A Start of The First World War

    A Start of The First World War
    The alliance system made it possible for a small war throughout Europe to start. It was advised to not start any issues with any side. Not long after, Franz Ferdinand got assassinated.
  • Pressure to be Better

    France begged for Russia to invade Germany by lessening pressure on the Western Front. Russia's army was far larger than Germany's despite losing a lot of men. However, Germany was far better equipped so they didn't stand a chance.
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    The Bloodbath of the Western Front

    The field in the Western Front was a cruel battler ground. Around two million men were killed or injured. None of those attacks worked out. Altogether, the Western Front moved around three miles per year in any direction.
  • Austria-Hungary Declares War on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary Declares War on Serbia
    After Franz Ferdinand’s assassination, Austria-Hungary used that as an excuse to destroy Serbia. Austria-Hungary sent a list of demands to Serbia thinking they wouldn't accept any. Serbia surprisingly accepted most of these demands, but Austria-Hungary declared war regardless.
  • Germany Declares War on France and Russia

    Germany Declares War on France and Russia
    Germany sent out a list of demands on July 31st for Russia, but as expected, Russia rejected them. They also sent out demands for France to pledge neutrality in case Russia and Germany go into war. Neither of their requests was made so Germany declared war on Russia and then on France two days later.
  • Newer Declarations of War

    Britain and Japan joined in on the "world war". Japan declared war on Germany after Germany hoped to gain control over Asia.
  • Attacks on German Trenches

    Attacks on German Trenches
    German Trenches got attacked by Allies in the French regions. in February and March. In the end, they only gained 500 miles of ground for the loss of 50,000 men.
  • Germany Creates a Blockade on Britain

    Germany Creates a Blockade on Britain
  • The Tragedy on Luistania

    The Tragedy on Luistania
    U-boat sank the British passenger ship Lusitania. That ship had 173 tons of ammunition from New York-London. More than a thousand passengers lost their lives.
  • Austria-Hungary's Nation Control

    Austria-Hungary took control of Serbia in 1915 and Romania in 1916. At the same time, Germany made mand advances on Russia
  • The End of the Eastern Front

    The End of the Eastern Front
    Russia withdrew from the war in December 1917. In return, the Eastern Front got stopped.
  • Conflicts with Turks and Brits

    Turks defeated a force of British colonial troops from India in 1916. However, in 1917, the British captured Jerusalem.
  • Rising Conflicts for Germany

    Rising Conflicts for Germany
    Germany was deciding if they could still fight in wars in 1916. They decided to keep going in on submarine warfare. Germany made an alliance with Mexico to go against the US to gain lands in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. This angered the US and prompted them to declare war on Germany
  • New Developments in Weaponry

    New Developments in Weaponry
    In one minor war, the French army lost 130,000 men in 10 days. Additionally, There were new weapons being used such as artillery fire and bombs. It got a bit hectic because not only were they directed towards the military, but they were also dropped on civilian targets.
  • The USA joins WWI

    The USA joins WWI
    This changed the direction of WWI once America joined the battle. After lots of hard work, America created a strong enough army and helped Britain take out the blockade of Germany.
  • The Fourteen Points

    The  Fourteen Points
    President Woodrow Wilson made war goals called the Fourteen Points. They included general world concerns and territorial concerns. The Fourteen Points contributed to Germany’s decision to surrender in November 1918.
  • Germany's Attack on Britain

    Germany's Attack on Britain
    Germany sent an attack towards Britain in the Second Battle of the Somme in late March, as well as, the Second Battle of the Marne in July. They were defeated and pushed back to the German Border.
  • The End of WWI

    The End of WWI
    On November 11th, 1918, at 11:00 am, they signed the armistice. This was supposed to be the "war to end all wars." Little did they know what was to come in the later years after Germany's dissatisfactory.