The cause of the gd

The Cause of The Great Depression

By Thomasl
  • The Introduction of "Bonus Bill"

    The Introduction of "Bonus Bill"
    The Bonus Bill, also known as "The World War Adjusted Compensation Act" created a benefit plan for World War one veterans as additional compensation for their military service. Many saw the Bonus Bill as a worthwhile program, its $4 billion cost led fiscal conservatives to question the wisdom and necessity of paying servicemembers additional benefits for past military service.
  • Black Tuesday / Black Thursday

    Black Tuesday / Black Thursday
    Black Tuesday or other known as "The wall street crash of 1929" happened on October 29, 1929. Black Thursday, or other known as "The stock market crash of 1929" began on October 24, 1929. These two were the most devastating stock market crashes in history of The United States. This affected the Great Depression greatly.
  • Food Riots in Minneapolis

    Food Riots in Minneapolis
    In February of 1931, in Minneapolis, several hundred men and women smashed the windows of a grocery market and made off with fruit, canned goods, bacon, and ham. One of the store's owners pulled out a gun to stop the looters, but was leapt upon and had his arm broken. The riot was brought under control by one hundred policemen. Seven People were arrested out of many.