
The Catholic Church in Brazil 1450 - 1800

  • Jun 14, 1549

    First arrival of Jesuit Missionaries

  • Apr 30, 1556

    The first bishop arriving in Brazil is killed

    Pero Fernandes Seidinha became shipwrecked north of Bahia, and was killed and eaten by pro-French Caete
  • The Holy Inquisision visits Brazil

    The Holy Inquision visits Brazil to make sure missions are pulling in enough converts
  • Jesuits entrusted to bring Indians from the interior to their missions

    Jesuits are intrusted to bring Indians from the interior and force them into missions. These expeditions accounted for 200,000 new Amerindians in the mission system.
  • Dom Joao orders that Parish Priests pay $200 annually

    Dom Joao orders that Parish Priests pay $200 annually to the Royal exchequer