Gold rush

The California Gold Rush

  • Gold

    On January 24th James W Marshal foudn gold on John Sutters land that later became a mine.
  • How they got here

    They went through many diffrent obstacles to get to California for the Gold they went on boats from other countries train wagon and many other transportation avaible at that time period.
  • Period: to

    The Gold Rush

    The Gold Rush
  • Period: to

    The Gold Rush

  • Fun Fact!

    They called the 49ers that because the year was 1849 when they went for gold.
  • Striking Rich

    The news went everywhere a year after James Marshal found gold the secret was not really a secret anymore.
  • Rich in Many ways

    Rich in Many ways
    The Gold rush made many people rich not just the miners like the merchants they got rich by overpricing the miners to make a lot of cash.
  • How they got it

    They got the Gold wiht many tools like a shovel they used to dig it up and a pan they put it in the water brought it back up and shaked the sand off to see if they found anything.
  • People coming to America.

    The Gold Rush didn't just make California bigger but it also made America the Miners ethier went to California or other States to find Gold.
  • Violence

    The Gold Rush didn't just get people wealth it made people go mad they said they will kill them if they didn't leave that mining area so it caused a lot of violence.
  • Hard Work

    Usally the storngest miners or then ones that work hard get gold but sometimes they don't get gold even if they tryed really hard.
  • Bigger

    The Gold Rush also made California bigger by getting people all over atrackted by the gold that they have so that made California the 31st State of America.