The Gupta dyansty (Golden Age of India)
Some of the kings of the Gupta dynasty were: Chandragupta, Samudragupta, Kumargupta and Skandagupta. Under the Guptas India became powerful and rich. The people of India put Skandagupta's face on their coins. -
Start of Byzantine Empire
The Roman Empire got too big and split into two parts. The Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire. The Eastern Roman Empire became the Byzantine Empire. -
Clovis Ex-Barbarian
When Clovis 20 he took over the leadership of the Frankish tribe. When Clovis was in a battle his men were loosing, he looked up to God and asked for help, God helped him and he became a Christian. -
The Just Emperor
Justinian became emperor of the Byzantine Empire. He made the empire bigger. He made the rules the same for everyone, called the Code of Justinian. He was known for being fair. -
Yang Chien Unites North and South China
Yang Chien, ruler of North China attacked South China and became the Emperor of China. This was the beginning of the Sui dynasty -
The Rise of Islam
Muhammad was the founder of Islam. He had to run away from his hometown because people plotted to kill him. Islam is based on the five pillars of rules. -
The Tang Dynasty
Li Yuan became emperor of China in 618. He wanted the people to be happy and wealthy. He spent money to make the cities stronger and cleaner. Li Yuan founded the Tang Dynasty. -
Mar 13, 624
The Islam Empire
Mecca and Medina fought the battel of Badr and Medina won. Mecca and Medina fought for seven more years. -
Yamato Dynasty
During the Yamato dynasty, of Japan, Korea was worried about being attacked by China again. They made friends with Japan and taught them Chinese customs they had learned when China had ruled over them. They taught the prince from Japan how to read Chinese. During this time China came in and wiped out the Paekche kingdom of Korea. -
Rodrigo Becomes King
The leader of the barbarians who lived in Spain, the Visigoths, suddenly died. Rodrigo took over as ruler. -
Tariq Conquers Spain
Tariq came up from North Africa to Spain. The sons of the dead king had invited him there to help them get their throne back from Rodrigo. Tariq had no intention of helping and instead took over Spain. Tariq landed on the Rock of Gibraltar. -
Battle of the Franks and Muslims
In 732 the Franks and the Muslims met at the city of Tours. Led by Charles the Hammer, the Franks won the battle. -
Charlemagne, the Greatest King
Charles the Great became king of the Franks in 771. He restored cavillation to the Franks. -
Vikings Invade
The Vikings were farmers who came from Norway, Denmark and Sweden. They took over part of the Franks kingdom. They sailed all the way to Iceland and setup a colony. -
Maori Arrive in New Zealand
People believe that while Aborigines lived in Australia for thousands of years, the Maori people came from the far east. They arrived in canoes from the Polynesian Islands and settled in New Zealand. -
Chinese Invent Gunpowder
Gun powder was accidently invented when the Chinese were trying to make gold. During the Tang Dynasty approx. 850 -
Vikings Conquer England
A big group of Viking invaders called The Great Army landed in England and spent 10years raiding farms and fighting. -
Alfred the Great
The people of Wessex, southern England, appointed Alfred to be their new king. They wanted someone strong to help defeat the Vikings. -
Leif Ericsson
Leif Ericsson was the son of Eric the Red, who lived on Greenland wanted to find a better place to live, so he bought a boat and took a crew with him. They sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and came to the coast of North America, which they called Vineland, because of the grapes they found there. -
The Battle of Hastings
William the Conqueror defeated Harold the Unfortunate, in the battle of Hastings, to see who would be the next king of England, because Edward the king died with no sons to take over the kingdom.