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The Building of the Panama Canal

  • Teddy Roosevelt And The Panama Canal

    Teddy Roosevelt And The Panama Canal
    Teddy Roosevelt wanted to make a canal across the Panama stretch. He argued to congress that it would help with the transportation of goods, and that it would help american industry. He boutght the project from the french for aproximatly $40,000,000. However, there were still concerns people had with the canal, such as the fact that if they just dug a hole, it would become a tidal canal.
  • Panamanian Revolution

    Panamanian Revolution
    To build their new canal project, the U.S. would have to accuire the land rights to the Panama area. To do this, they started a war of independance. They knew that people in Panama didnt like columbian rule, so the U.S. turned the Panamanians against columbia and helped the Panamanians fight the Columbians. As soon as they won, The U.S. gave the People of Panama $10 million tobe able to own the stretch of land.
  • Panama Canal Treaty

    Panama Canal Treaty
    A person immitating a frenchman signed a U.S. treaty proclaiming that the U.S woud be able to use the panama land for their own purposes for just 250k a year. The panamanians were very happy at first. They soon realised thoug, that the U.S. had cheaped out on paying them, because of the comparitivley small amount they were giving them.
  • The Panama Canal Construction Begins

    The Panama Canal Construction Begins
    After the U.S. finaly aquired Panama, it was time to get to work. Teddy Roosevelt wanted them to "Make the dirt fly". The project seemed easy enough to the U.S., but they had no idea the difficulties that were just ahead of them, such as dissease, deaths and the very landscape they aimed to build on.
  • Struggles While Building

    Struggles While Building
    During the construction of the Panama Canal, there were many struggles that the builder had to face. While digging, cave ins and mudslides were quite common. THey also had to deal with disseases such as malaria and yellow fever. Theses were only stopped after the doctor, William C. Gorgas , drained the swamps and the mosquitos left. they also had to build locks to lower and raise ships to be able to get by the rough landscape.
  • Teddy Roosevelt visits the Canal

    Teddy Roosevelt visits the Canal
    Teddy Roosevelt decided to check in on the Canal to see the progress. He was mostley happy, bar one thing. The current leader of the project said that the canal would be immpossible to finish on time, if ever.
  • The Canal is finished.

    The Canal is finished.
    After years of work, the canal is finaly finished. It took many years, but it was finaly complete. Even though many got hurt and lost their lives, it was worth it to have the two oceans joined.
  • Summary and Reflection

    Summary and Reflection
    The Panama Canal is one of the greatest achievements in human history. Instead of just pushing through the problem, we worked with and around the problem for the best results. The bible say in acts 17:26, that " He makes nations great, and destroys them; He enlarges nations, and guides them". God helped us through many hard things as a nation, and this was no exception. In this time of building the canal, GOd was making our nation great.
  • Works Cited

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