Old English
Old english was spoken and written by the Anglo Saxons and their descendants in parts of what are England and Southern and Eastern Scotland between the mid 5th century and mid 12th century. It began in 450 C.E. and ended 1100 -
Period: 450 to Feb 1, 1100
Old English
Old English is an early form of the English language that was spoken and written by the Anglo Saxons and their descendants in parts of what are now England and southern and eastern Scotland around the mid 5th century -
Jan 1, 1100
Middle English
Middle English started in the year 1100. -
Period: Jan 1, 1100 to Jan 1, 1500
Middle English
Midddle English really different and confusing. Middle English had added words to it and had words from Old English. The langauge was changed because Great Britain was being taken over and they had to learn french, after great Britain beacame independant again, but they still knew french. Due to that they had additional words. -
Mar 15, 1233
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon and baptised there on 26 April 1564. -
Jan 1, 1500
Modern English (Old)
The old Modern English began in the 1500's then changed. -
Period: May 1, 1500 to
Modern English (old)
Middle English was ending and modern English was coming stdart. It was the time when shakespeare came about. Vowels and words slighty changed due to the influences of other languages. Also there was the Reinassance and books were cheaper. The first Modern English dictionary was made and published in 1604. -
Sep 7, 1533
Queen Elizabeth
Queen was born on september 7th in 1533. -
Period: to
Modern English (New)
After the old Modern English became popular many people started to talk in a more you would say "slang" way. The words were didfferent and we Americans use now a day. The new Modern English have changed by adding new words to the dictionary and has adopted words from other countries. -
Modern English (New)
Many people began to speak English a little different and new words to the dictionary.