Kings and queens of england and britain


  • 1272

    EDWARD I (1272-1307)

    EDWARD I (1272-1307)
    He formed the Model Parliament in 1295.
    Aiming at a united Britain, he defeated the Welsh chieftains
  • 1307

    EDWARD II (1307-1327)

    EDWARD II (1307-1327)
    Edward was a weak and incompetent king.
    He was baten by the Scots at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314.
    His wife joined her love Montimer in deposing him and finally he was murdered
  • 1377

    EDWARD III (1327-1377)

    EDWARD III (1327-1377)
    His ambition to conquer Scotland and France plunged England into the Hundred Years War.
    The two great victories at Crecy and Potiers made Edward and his son the most renowned warriors in Europe .
  • 1377

    RICHARD II (1377-deposed 1399)

    RICHARD II (1377-deposed 1399)
    The sudden death of his first wife completely unbalanced Ricahrd and his extravagance.
    Richard was murdered, probably by starvation in 1400
  • 1399

    HENRY IV (1399-1413)

    HENRY IV (1399-1413)
    Henry spent most of his 13 years reign defending himself against plots, rebellions and assassination attemps.
    In Wales Owes Glendower declared himself Prince of Wales
  • 1399

    House of Lancaster

    House of Lancaster
    The first king of this house was Henry IV
  • 1413

    HENRY V (1413-1422)

    HENRY V (1413-1422)
    He was a pious , stern and skilful soldier.
    He had been knighted when aged just 12.
    He was recognised as the next King of France in 1420 and married Catherine, the daugter of the lunatic French king
  • 1422

    HENRY VI (1422-deposed 1461)

    HENRY VI (1422-deposed 1461)
    He came to the throne as a baby and inherited a losing war with France.
    The king had an attack of mental illness that was hereditary in his mother,s family in 1454. Henry founded both Eton College and King´s College, Canbridge.