The British Empire

  • 1497

    The first explorer

    John cabot was the first person who crossed the Atlantic Ocean from England in 1497. Later, other explorers continued this task.
  • Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    This event gave to Britain the chance and the confidence to develop their own influence in different continents.
  • East India Company

    In 1600, the East India company was formed to develop trade in Southeast Asia and India.
  • The New World

    English settlers founded Virginia en 1607 who was the first of thirteen permanent colonies along the East coast of North America.
  • Seven Years War

    This war gives some advantage to the British and Bengal, in the northeast of India, came under the control of the East India Company in 1757, and then other areas followed.
  • End of the Seven Years War

  • North America Independence

    Britain Lose this American Colonies but this doesn't stop the Britain's increasing power around the world,
  • Australia

    Australia become an Britain colony by the discovery made by Capt. James Cook.
  • Africa Colonisation

    The Cape of good Hope was taken from the Dutch by the British, and then later in the 19th century
    missionaries, explorer and merchants helped to open the way north into the centre of the continent.
  • New Zealand

    New Zealand become a colony of British.
  • 20th Century

    in the early part of the 20th century, Britain ruled over a quarter of the world and have the largest empire on history.