The crown digipad background

The British Empire

  • The Tudor, Humphrey Gilbert settles in Newfoundland

    The Tudor, Humphrey Gilbert settles in Newfoundland
  • The East India Company was incorporated by royal charter

    The East India Company was incorporated by royal charter
    It was an English company formed for the exploitation of trade with East and Southeast Asia and India.
  • The British claim the east coast of America

    The British claim the east coast of America
    The first of the permanent English colonies in the Americas was established in Jamestown, Virginia
  • The British claim Canada

    The British claim Canada
  • The British claim the Caribbean

    The British claim the Caribbean
  • Americans earn Independence (Independence Day)

    Americans earn Independence (Independence Day)
    The day when the Declaration of Independence was officially adopted.
  • Captain Hook discover Australia

    Captain Hook discover Australia
  • The British win the Napoleonic wars against French Empire

    The British win the Napoleonic wars against French Empire
    They gain even more land.
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    Indian rebellion against British rule (unsuccessful)

    At the time, Queen Victoria formed a army that crushed the rebellion. This rebellion known as the “Sepoy revolt” was a mutiny and the two sides violently fought with each other.
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    The British loose colonies one by one …

    1867 - Independence of Canada
    1901 - Independence of Australia Even if the British won World War II, they are now broken and cannot rule their colonies without money. These colonies begin to claim their independence one by one…
    1947 - India
    1948 - a part of Ireland
    1956 - Egypt + Sudan
    1960 - Cyprus
    1961 - South Africa
    1963 - Zanzibar + Singapore
    1964 - Malta
    1970 - Fidji
    1997 - Hong Kong
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    Boer wars

    The British Army fought a bitter colonial war against the Boers* in South Africa to earn the land. *the people in southern Africa who traced their ancestry to Dutch, German and French Huguenot settlers