1999 BCE
The Home Rule Assembly of Wales opens.
1999 BCE
The first Scottish Parliament in almost three centuries is declared open.
1999 BCE
Ratifica la transferencia de poderes al nuevo gobierno de Irlanda del Norte, que recupera su autonomía.
1997 BCE
He instructs Labor Tony Blair to form a government, after 18 years of conservative executives.
1997 BCE
Muere la princesa Diana, exesposa del príncipe Carlos, en un accidente de tráfico en París.
1997 BCE
Cede su representación a Carlos de Inglaterra en la ceremonia de traspaso de la soberanía de Hong Kong a China.
1994 BCE
inaugura el túnel del Canal de la Mancha que une el Reino Unido con el continente europeo+
1992 BCE
Windsor Palace fire
1992 BCE
He lived through the separation of the princes of Wales, the dukes of York and the divorce of Princess Anne.
1992 BCE
Isabel II decides to pay taxes to the Treasury.
1991 BCE
He speaks before the US Congress.
1991 BCE
He speaks before the US Congress.
1988 BCE
She makes the first official trip to spain
1982 BCE
Her grandson Guillermo is born.
1981 BCE
His son and Diana Spencer get married
1953 BCE
corowned en Westminster Abbery
1952 BCE
Elizabeth II came to the throne
1948 BCE
The first son of Elizabeth II born
1947 BCE
Isablel II is married
1926 BCE
Isabel II born
Isabel II dead