The boy who saved baseball
0-12(212) There is a boy named Tom Gallagher who loves baseball and lives in Dillontown. There is a man named Doc Altenheimer who runs the town. It is a very old town and Doc wants to sell land to people to build on. Part of the land icludes the baseball field. -
the boy who saved baseball
12-24(224)Someone came riding in on horseback in the sunset to Dillontown. He had a rifle bag but in the rifle holder, he had a baseball bat.His name is Cruz de la Cruz. Tom was very sad and upset that the baseball firld would be bulldozed and destroyed. If toma and his team can beat the club team, the Doc agreed to keep the baseball field. -
the boy who saved baseball
24-40 (240) Mr. Gallagher meets Cruz de la Cruz at the towns baseball filed. (Lucky strike park) Cruz tells that he is from Paloma. All the guys on the team met cruz de la cruz. Cruz came to dillontown because he wanted to talk to the old baseball player Dante del gato. All of the team put a hard days work into the field and got it looking good. As the team was practicing, the heard loud booms from the distance. -
the boy who saved baseball
All of the parents on the team are getting the kids readt for the game against the travel team. At one of the practices, the team had a barbeque and the parents talked to coach Galagher. The parents and people of the town said that they didnt think coach Galagher had enough experience as a coach. The kids agree and want Dante Del Gato and old mlb player to coach their team. -
The Boy who saved baseball
49-71 (270) Dante Del Gato gets talked to by the team and the team agrees to coach the team. My gallagher steps down to the assistant coach and happily goes on with coaching the team. Dante Del Gato meets the team and start practicing for the big game. -
The boy who saved baseball
78-119 (319) The baseball team is practicing with their new coach dante del gato. The town and both teams are getting ready for the big game. Everybody in the town is talking about it and getting excited for it. The people of Dillontown is getting the field in good condition for the game. -
The boy who saved baseball
119-162 (362) Dante Del Gato has been with his team for a while and have been practicing hard. His team and the boys are ready to play the travel team. With the Dillontown field at steak the boys are pretty nervouse. The Game is very close but in the end Tom comes up as a big hero and wins the game for his team. -
The boy who saved baseball
162-216(416) After Tom and Cruz De La Cruz lead the team to victory, they get to keep their baseball filed and the developers dont get to tear it down like the towns mayor wanted to. The field stays and the team and most of the town were very happy.