The Great War, later known as the First World War, ended. (Novemeber) -
The Treaty of Versallies is signed (June).
The German Reich, known today as the Weimar Republic, is established as the official government in German (August). Today, most historians agree that harsh Treaty of Versallies helped create the conditions responsible for Hitler's rise of power. -
Adolf Hitler and his Sotrm Troppers are arrested, for attemoting to overthrow the Reich (November). -
Hitler is found guilty of treason. From his jail cell, he pens a proagandistic and political autobiography, Mein Kampf. Hitler was relaesed from jail (December). -
Adolf Hitler begins to rebuild the Nazi Party (March). -
Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth) officially formed. -
Hitler appointed chancellor (January).
Reichstag building burns and Marinus van der Lubbe arrested for arson (February). Today, it is hard to determine who set the fire-the Communists or the Nazis-but it is agreed that Hitler used the event as a pretext to eliminate political opposition and to frighten the German people into casting their votes for the Nazi Party.
Enabling Acts grant Hitler dictorial powers (March).
Nazis boycott Jewish stores and businesses (April). -
Nazis burn un-German books (May).
The People's Radio is unvieled at the Tenth Radio Exhibition (August). -
Van der Lubbe is excuted for setting fire to the Reichstag (Frebruary).
President Hindenburg dies and Hitler becomes Führer (leader) (August). -
Hitler initiates mandatory Reich Labor Service for young people and begins to rearm Germany.
Nazis pass the Nuremberg Race Laws against the Jews, Stripping them of all political and civil rights. The Race Laws identified a Jew as anyone who had 3-4 Jewish Grandparents (September). -
The Gestapo are placed about the law (Febraury).
German troops reoccupy the Rhineland (March).
Summer Olympic Games are held in Berlin (August).
The Hitler Youth law makes membership complusory for all eligible youth, ages 10-18 (December). -
German annexes Austria (March) and the Sudetenland (November).
Nazi-orchestrated riots agaisnt Jews (Kristallnacht) take place all over Germany, killing 236 Jews; burning 1,300 synagogues; vandalizing and destroying more then 7,000 Jewish shops, businesses, schools, and private homes; and arresting more then 30,000 Jews, many never to be seen again, Two days later, the Nazis ordered the Jews to pay one billion Reichsmarcks (about $400 million) as punishment for the Nazi official's death (Nov.). -
Hitler threatens Jews during speech to Reichstag.
German annexes Czechoslovakia (March). Hitler toughens Hitler Youth law, conscripting remaining eligible youth (March). Hitler Youth membership now totals more then 700 million boys and girls.
Hitler and Stalin create the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact (August). -
August 31
the SS dress is Polish uniforms and launch a fake attack on German radio station in southwest Poland. The next day, Adolf Hitler lies, claiming that Polish soldiers fired upon German soldiers, and he orders the invasion of Poland. England and France declare war on Germany (September). -
Poland falls (September).
The Extraordinary Radio Law is passed, making the international listening to enemy propganda an offense punishable by death (September).
The first deportation of Jews to concentration camps in Poland (October). -
British bombing raids begin over Hamburg.
Nazis begin Battle of Britian bombing campaign (July).
German conqueres Denamrk, Norway, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. -
Rudolf Hess, the thirds highest-ranking Nazi, deserts and flies secretly to England to negotiate a peace agreement (May).
Greece and Yugoslavia fall to Germans.
Yugoslavia, Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, and Romania join Nazis.
Germany invades Soviet Russia (June).
German Jews must wear Jewish Star (Star of Daivd) (September).
Mass murder of 33,000 Jews at Babi-Yar in Soviet Russia (September).
Germany declares war on the US (December). -
Nazis hold Wannsee Conference to formalize plans for the "final solution of the Jewish problem" (January).
German army lays seige to Moscow and heads toward Leningrad (October). -
Germand sufferes a major defeat at Stalingrad (January).
Allies carpet bomb Hamburg, killing atleast 43,000 (July). -
Allied troops launch D-Day invasion (June). -
Germany collapses as Allies invade (February-April).
Hitler commits suicide in his bunker, but the Nazi lie, telling the German people that Hitler was killed at the head of his troops while defending Berlin (April).
Germany suurenders unconditionally (May).