The Boy Who Dared

  • (history)Hitlerjugend Officially formed (hitlers youth)

    (history)Hitlerjugend Officially formed (hitlers youth)
    Hitler's youth helped the boys get ready for being a Nazi soldier.
  • (history)Hitler becomes chancellor of germany

    (history)Hitler becomes chancellor of germany
    Helmuth heard about Hitler in school on a radio.
  • (history)German Reichstag Burns

    (history)German Reichstag Burns
    Someone committed arson and believed to take down the state and Hitler declares emergency decree for protection of the state and people.
  • (book)Brother Worbs freaks out when German Reichstag Burns

    (book)Brother Worbs freaks out when German Reichstag Burns
    Brother Worbs said that we lost all out freedom from this.
  • (History)Nazis boycott jewish businesses

    (History)Nazis boycott jewish businesses
    Nazis wouldn't buy from jewish businesses to put them out of business.
  • (book)Helmuth got told that jewish people are trying to cripple the fatherland.

    (book)Helmuth got told that jewish people are trying to cripple the fatherland.
    His father thinks Jewish people are bad and are trying to hurt the country of Germany.
  • (book)Helmuth saw banners saying stop buying from jews

    (book)Helmuth saw banners saying stop buying from jews
    Helmuth was walking down a sidewalk and saw SS and SA men plastering posters on walls saying not to buy from jewish people.
  • (history) Hitler becomes fuhrer

    (history) Hitler becomes fuhrer
    President Hindenburg dies so Hitler becomes fuhrer.
  • (history)Hess was captured and put in British jail

    (history)Hess was captured and put in British jail
    Hess flew solo to Scotland and got captured and put into jail for crimes against peace and he was sentenced to life in jail.
  • (book)Helmuth herd about hess getting arested on BBC radio

    (book)Helmuth herd about hess getting arested on BBC radio
    Helmuth has a radio that can get radio waves from his house