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the boy at war

  • Canada & US acquire air bases in Newfoundland (99 yr lease)

    Canada & US acquire air bases in Newfoundland (99 yr lease)
    The us and Canada built a air base for the air force in Newfoundland (99 yr lease)
  • The Booming of peril Harbor

    The Booming of peril Harbor
    when the Japaneses boomed peril harbor
  • Adam out fishig and almost dies

    Adam out fishig and almost dies
    Adam sneaks out to go fishing with davi and one other class mate and almost kill theirs self's. their boat shot from beneath them by a low-flying fighter plane.
  • NFL pro bowl chicogo bears beat all stars

    NFL pro bowl chicogo bears beat all stars
  • Boxer and World Heavyweight Champion Joe Louis

    Boxer and World Heavyweight Champion Joe Louis
    Joe Louis KOs Buddy Baer in 1 for heavyweight boxing title
  • Japan conquers Kuala Lumpur, Malaya

    Japan conquers Kuala Lumpur, Malaya
    Malaya was gradually occupied by the Japanese between 8 December 1941 and the Allied surrender at Singapore on the 16 February 1942. The Japanese remained in occupation until their surrender to the Allies in 1945. The first Japanese garrison in Malaya to lay down their arms was in Penang on 2 September 1945 aboard HMS Nelson.
  • Adams adventure

    Adams adventure
    Adam wants to find out information and see if his dad is dead
  • Adam and his family move to Hawaii

    Adam and his family move to Hawaii
    They are on their way to Hawaii for they dad to go to the new base
  • dad gets boomed at peril harber

    dad gets boomed at peril harber
    Dad report to peril arbor then it gets boomed
  • they find marlian

    they find marlian
    Davi and Adam manage to get marlian back to shore and into a Red Cross car, but not before a soldier attacks Davi with the butt of his gun, yelling "I got a Jap!"
  • Adam get mistaken by a officer

    Adam get mistaken by a officer
    adam barowed a bouat and went to return it but he gets sent out in to the war
  • adam finds out about his dad

    Adam finds out that his dad did die and he get real amosinal
  • when adam is spoted

    when adam is spoted
    Adam is spoted by Jap when he is trying to find out information and one almost kills him
  • the furnace of his dad

    the furnace of his dad
    the day that they barry the dad of adam