The box of shoes

  • The second Republic was procliamed

    The second Republic was procliamed
    Éibar was the first city to raise the tricolor flag, at dawn on Tuesday, April 14, 1931
  • Republican school 1931-1936

    Republican school 1931-1936
    At the republic the schools of kids were mixed, the boys and girls can study together.
    In the dictatorship of Franco the schools were under the direction of the church. The boys and girls come to schools but separate in different schools, one for the girls and the other for the boys.
    In this photo the kids were together at the school and they looked very happy.
  • People thinking the Republic is better 1931-1933

    People thinking the Republic is better 1931-1933
    People that were against Franco belived that Republic was the best thing that could happend to them.
  • New constitution

    New constitution
    It created a secular democratic system based on equal rights for all citizens, with provision for regional autonomy. It introduced female suffrage, civil marriage and divorce. It permitted the state to expropriate private property, with compensation, for reasons of broader social utility. It also established free, obligatory, secular education for all and dissolved the Jesuits.
  • Church supporting Franco (1931-1933)

    Church supporting Franco (1931-1933)
    This photo shows a priest cooperating with Francisco Franco.
    This was a little bit sad because the values of the church didn’t have the values that Fraco has.
  • The demonstration supporting the Estatut

    The demonstration supporting the Estatut
    This is Barcelona’s Plaza de Sant Jaume on the 24th of April 1932, during a mass-demonstration for the Statute of Catalonia, which was finally approved in September that year.The Statute was promoted by the then acting President of the Generalitat, Francesc Macià and approved in a referendum by 99% of Catalan voters.
  • Seems that SEDA will win the elections

    Seems that SEDA will win the elections
    The President of the Republic Niceto Alcalá-Zamora decided to dissolve the Cortes elected in June 1931 and call general elections. One of the most important characteristics of these elections is that for the first time women voted. The victory was in the first round for the right-leaning party of José María Gil Robles, CEDA. The second, on December 3, would endorse the victory of the rights.
  • Woman can vote

    Woman can vote
    In 1933 women began to have rights including access to education, political rights such as a woman's right to vote and equal wages. Women gained more access to education, they began to focus more on the issue of suffrage but this was often around specific ideological philosophies.
  • Creation of spanish falange

    Creation of spanish falange
    In February 1934, after poor results at the ballots in the 1933 election, José Antonio Primo de Rivera suggested a fusion of Falange Española with the Ramiro Ledesma's Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista, which was approved on 15 February.
  • Companys consellers in jail

    Companys consellers in jail
    The image of the Government of Catalonia behind the bars of the prison in 1934
    Seven consellers were locked up, tried, convicted and finally amnestied in the 1934-1936 biennium.
  • Proclamation of Catalan Estate

    Proclamation of Catalan Estate
    On October 6, 1934, the proclamation of the Catalan State within the "Spanish Federal Republic" took place in Barcelona. by the president of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Lluís Companys.
  • New selections

    New selections
    Some Radical Party ministers were involved in various scandals and the prime minister finally called elections. The Government of the Second Republic never published the results but the majority of the votes was for Frente Popular, a party of the left.
  • Spanish coup begun

    Spanish coup begun
    On Saturday, July 18, Francisco Franco, has already taken the final step to consummate his betrayal: after arriving in Tenerife at 8:00 in the morning the day before to attend the funeral of military commander Amado Balmes, Died on the 16th in strange circumstances, he signed the edict of war that was read in Melilla at nightfall on the 17th.